Crash caused by Selecting a Struct variable when binding a property in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 11, 2015

Crash is caused when the user creates too many windows after Selecting a Struct variable when binding a property in UMG. This issue is related to [Link Removed] ...

OnDragDetected fires off with a single click for 3D widgets

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 11, 2015

When Using the On Drag Detected on a 3D widget, the drag function fires off on a single click (No dragging necessary) ...

Overridden Lightmap Resolution in Sample Projects are too high

Docs - Samples - May 11, 2015

Starting with 4.7 and when we changed the BSP blocks in Sample Content to Static Meshes, a significant minority of lower end PC users are getting soft crashes (freezes and rebooting required to cont ...

Subcomponents of classes do not show up in BP hierarchy

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 8, 2015

If a custom component creates another component in code, the second component does not appear in the hierarchy inside the blueprint menu. It does appear in the hierarchy for an instanced version of ...

OpenGL: Nvidia: Crash when using foliage tool

UE - Platform - Linux - May 7, 2015

As reported by user, using foliage tool in a first person project eventually crashes it. "Currently, any attempt to render objects created with the foliage tool crashes the UE4 editor on my machine ...

Eject camera (and ToggleDebugCamera) do not have full look controls in the Topdown template

UE - Gameplay - May 7, 2015

The Eject camera (and ToggleDebugCamera) do not have full look controls in the Topdown template.In 4.7.6 the look is limited in both cameras by the mouse movement.In Main, both are limited as mentio ...

Adding a widget to the designer tab will cause all animations to pop back to frame zero regardless of the position of the scrub bar

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 7, 2015

If the user adds another widget to the designer tab any animations that are available will pop back into what ever setting they have at frame zero regardless of the position of the scrub bar. ...

The Collision Analyzer window does not render correctly if it is opened from the console anywhere other than when in PIE mode using the selected viewport.

Tools - May 7, 2015

The Collision Analyzer does not display properly if it is opened from the console outside of the Editor. When it is opened in PIE mode using the selected viewport, the Collision Analyzer window is d ...

Depth Fade Particles are not rendered on iOS when Mobile HDR disabled

UE - Graphics Features - May 7, 2015

Depth Fade and Fresnel inputs in a Particle's Material will result in the particle not rendering unless Mobile HDR is checked true on an iOS device. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2535351 S ...

Cannot disable the NavLinkProxy through the Smart Link option

UE - AI - May 6, 2015

Cannot disable the NavLinkProxy through the Smart Link option. If this is not the proper way to disable the NavLink, users are confused by the naming of 'Link Enabled'. ...