PHAT body collision is shown as smaller when looking at it in the main editor viewport.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 19, 2016

When a physics asset is set up for a Skeletal Mesh, the physics bodies are still visible in the main editor when using Show Collision (alt+C) but are extremely small. They are still oriented along t ...

Random Number Generated in Constructor Returning Different Value on Begin Play

UE - Gameplay - Jan 13, 2016

When generating a random number using FMath::RandHelper() in the constructor of an actor, attempting to print that same number on BeginPlay returns a different value than the constructor. However, ...

Crash Occurs When Attempting to Use Validated Get on a Local Variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 13, 2016

In a function, creating a local Pawn or Actor variable, getting it, and then converting the Get to a Validated Get will cause the editor to crash upon compiling the blueprint. Found in 4.10.2 binar ...

RenderTarget Texture Alpha rendered incorrectly when SceneCapture2D AA set to true

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 8, 2016

The Alpha Channel of the Render Target Texture is rendered as a value of 1 (solid white) when the SceneCapture2D actor is set to LDR with PP and Anti-Aliasing is set to true in the General Show Flag ...

Cull Distance Volumes not functioning while in Viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 7, 2016

Static Meshes are not being visibly culled within the bounds of a Cull Distance Volume, until the user presses Play in Editor. I attempted to locate a visualizer or show flag within the viewport or ...

Crash Occurs When Generated Item Type Doesn't Match Return Type

UE - AI - Jan 7, 2016

After creating the example generator that is displayed at the bottom of the documentation linked below, a crash will occur if the Generated Item Type is set to EnvQueryItemType_Actor (which is the d ...

User's project crashes when right clicking a blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 6, 2016

If the user right clicks on the AbilityBase blueprint the editor will crash. ...

Cannot Add Collision to an EQS Testing Pawn

UE - AI - Jan 6, 2016

Attempting to add collision to an EQSTestingPawn class is not possible, as the inherited capsule component seems to override any new collision. Simulating with the inherited capsule will cause the P ...

PIE - RendertoTarget is the same for all players

UE - Gameplay - Jan 5, 2016

Render Target is displayed across the client and server. Render target should only be displayed on the player and screen that spawns the actor. Note: Turning visibility off for the render target w ...

Going to an earlier point of a replay does not update to previous visibility state on an actor that was switched to not visible during demorec

UE - Networking - Jan 5, 2016

Going to an earlier point of a replay does not update to previous visibility state on an actor that was switched to not visible during demorec. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (//UE4/Dev-Main C ...