FEnhancedActionKeyMapping struct has incorrect comparison results

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 11, 2022

The fix for this is to override the  FEnhancedActionKeyMapping::operator== to account for the deep copy that happens on modifiers instead of comparing addresses ...

File state in perforce cache is incorrect when revert + delete is enabled

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Nov 11, 2022

If the option to delete files on revert is enabled, the revert operation causes incorrect file state in the perforce cache It looks like it has some code to handle this when the option to delete is ...

InstancedStaticMeshComponent causes crash in editor compiled with ALLOW_DITHERED_LOD_FOR_INSTANCED_STATIC_MESHES set to zero

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 11, 2022

ALLOW_DITHERED_LOD_FOR_INSTANCED_STATIC_MESHES works without crashing in ue4.27. It appears that this code path is not maintained in ue5. ...

Nanite material audit reports null material when WorldGridMaterial replaces a deleted material in the editor

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 10, 2022

Workaround it to reassign a material to the mesh and resave ...

Can't update thumbnail of Texture 2D Array asset when upate source texture resource.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Nov 9, 2022

Texture2DArray asset thumbnails are not reflected when the source file texture is changed. Once a Texture2DArray asset is opened and loaded, the thumbnail will follow any subsequent source file upda ...

Investigate TSR for translucency with dithered opaque

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 8, 2022

[Link Removed] ...

Crash at UAnimInstance::DisplayDebug() when a montage ends

UE - Anim - Runtime - Nov 8, 2022

UDN case : [Link Removed] We are seeing a crash in UAnimInstance::DisplayDebug() at the following line: FString MontageEntry = FString::Printf(TEXT("%i) %s CurrSec: %s NextSec: %s W:%.2f DW:%.2f ...

Mesh paint erroneously selects occluded vertices when multiple meshes selected

UE - LD & Modeling - Nov 8, 2022

Licensee reports that occluded vertices are picked in mesh paint when multiple meshes are selected. Since we use line tracing + math to determine the target vertex in mesh paint mode, rather than h ...

Inherited UserWidgets can't create animations that bind to widgets on their parent's WidgetTree

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Nov 7, 2022

Animating an inherited widget from a child UserWidget class appears to work, but the bindings don't resolve properly and the animation is null at runtime. This workflow should either be supported, o ...

[AI] Investigate checking if Owner is an AIController in EnvQueryTest_Pathfinding to get default NavQueryFilter

UE - AI - EQS - Nov 7, 2022

BTTask_MoveTo and EnvQueryTest_Pathfinding don't use the same pattern to obtain the NavigationFilter to be used if the filter is not set. The BTTask_MoveTo uses the controllers GetDefaultNavigationF ...