Crash when attempting to connect a custom Niagara parameter struct to a node when the struct contains an array

UE - Niagara - Jun 22, 2020

Crash when attempting to connect a custom Niagara parameter struct to a node when the struct contains an array ...

Virtual keyboard does not work on TVOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 5, 2020

The virtual keyboard on TVOS is not popping up when a text input (UMG Editable Text Box) is focused and then selected with Siri remote. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D11RHI!static void TerminateOnDeviceRemoved(HRESULT, struct ID3D11Device *) [D3D11Util.cpp:160]

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - May 6, 2020

This ticket tracks instances of D3DHung crashes now that Aftermath has been enabled in 4.25.0. [Link Removed] was marked fixed and closed with the enabling of Aftermath. Error Messages: Fatal err ...

The Gradient Paint Tool In Cloth Simulation Doesn't Work On Mac

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 28, 2020

The Gradient Tool rotates the camera on Mac instead of painting the Gradient End Value. I wasn't able to test in Main on a Mac. There were no issues on Windows in 4.23.1, 4.24.3 and 4.26 Main. Foun ...

Changing a Niagara System Component's Override Parameter in a parent BP does not change the value in the child BP

UE - Niagara - Jan 30, 2020

Changing a Niagara System Component's Override Parameter in a parent BP does not change the value in the child BP ...

Oculus Quest - Loading splash no longer shown

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 12, 2019

Oculus Splash screen image no longer shows on Quest. Unable to reproduce on PC (If you package a project without 'Start in VR' enabled you will be able to see splash until you enable HMD) Conf ...

Getting Fullscreen or Windowed Resolutions doesn't fully execute on Linux

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Oct 28, 2019

When using "Get Supported Fullscreen Resolutions" on UE when built with Vulkan, no values are printed out. This is an issue with any platform that builds UE with -vulkan, not just Linux.  In Engine ...

WebM video format skips frames when seeking from code

Media Framework - Oct 22, 2019

Playing a video in the engine that is WebM format, results in skipped frames. This does not happen with other video formats supported in the engine. Attached are links to the WebM  videos used to te ...

Renaming a Named slot widget appears to clear any children in all other widgets that the named slot is used

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 9, 2019

When changing the name of a named slot widget, it appear that any children contained in the the named slot (when the widget has been added to other widgets) will be cleared ...