Renaming a Named slot widget appears to clear any children in all other widgets that the named slot is used

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 9, 2019

When changing the name of a named slot widget, it appear that any children contained in the the named slot (when the widget has been added to other widgets) will be cleared ...

Spaces in SCS component variable names carry through to the component template object name.

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 28, 2018

Naming an SCS component variable something like "My Scene" results in a component template UObject named "My Scene_GEN_VARIABLE" (space included). This causes the property editor/details view to fa ...

iOS Shipping Build using std::thread crashes on launch

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 2, 2017

A user is reporting that using the following code in a GameMode class causes shipping iOS packages to crash on launch:void ANOGSSDKGameModeBase::StartPlay() { std::thread([](){ std::clog << "THRE ...

Pressing f11 while playing in editor new window fullscreens the viewport in the editor

Tools - Sep 25, 2015

Pressing F11 (in attempts to fullscreen) while playing in editor - new window causes the viewport in the editor itself to full screen as opposed to the new window that's created. expectation is 1 o ...

ServerTravel command doesn't work in PIE using seamless travel

UE - Gameplay - Aug 19, 2015

The "servertravel" command doesn't function when running ShooterGame in Editor. A warning will show up in the Output Log: LogWorld:Warning: UWorld::ServerTravel: Seamless travel currently NOT supp ...

Orthographic Camera Preview window does not render materials

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 17, 2015

I am using the orthographic camera preview fairly extensively for making an in-engine Tiling Texture maker. This feature is currently busted since the orthographic camera preview window is rendering ...

Fill tool does not work on BSP

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Mar 6, 2013

 The fill bucket tool under foliage does not work with BSP surfaces. ...