FNotifyNodeInterface crashes when referenced Notify is invalid

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 1, 2024

Currently FNotifyNodeInterface directly references notifies that live within the related anim sequence.  This can cause intermittent crashes when notifies are removed as the UI can still reference t ...

Edit Layers naming is being added to the Localization Dashboard

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 1, 2024

When a Material Instance with Layer Parameters is added to the Level Landscape, the Layer Names get added to the Localization Dashboard. ...

Level asset "Diff against depot" opens P4 Merge tool

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Mar 1, 2024

You can right click a level asset in the editor's Content Browser and do the action Source Control > Diff against Depot. However, this does not provide a useful diff window. It currently opens the d ...

MRQ Remote Render Audio is 30 seconds later than expected.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Feb 29, 2024

CL 17315409 Introduced a fix that relied on processing audio samples before a render. For remote renders this extra 30 seconds of audio processing seems to have made its way into the final results. ...

Using a Shading Model node set to Unlit results in an invalid material with FromExpression domain

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 29, 2024

Create a materialSet its domain to From ExpressionRecreate the node graph as in the screenshot Note that the preview sphere is black. ...

"Build All Levels" does not re-AddNavigationSystemToWorld

UE - AI - Navigation - Feb 28, 2024

The Build All Levels editor action cleans up the world's NavDataSet (UNavigationSystemV1::NavDataSet) as pre-rebuild world cleanup by calling: SetNavigationSystem(nullptr); inside UWorld::Cleanu ...

When PackedLevelActor is placed across navtiles, navmesh is incorrectly split and generated in navtiles

UE - AI - Navigation - Feb 28, 2024

When creating a PackedLevelActor by packing multiple StaticMesh, the navmesh isn't generated correctly on top of it. In detail, navmesh is generated by splitting on navtiles. This is probably due to ...

Always Relevant actor may replicate incorrect movement mode when the walkable floor becomes irrelevant

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Feb 26, 2024

When the character class is set to always relevant, if a client travels very far away from another character, such that the character is relevant but the component they're standing on is not (but al ...

DataTable asset view runs out of (video) memory

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Feb 26, 2024

In some situation, Slate tries to secure incredible amount size data and run out of memory. This happens a cell having very long and complex serialized text appears on the editor and it is placed to ...

Gameplay Ability System Attribute Modifiers with a duration (including infinite) do not respect tag requirements

UE - Gameplay - Feb 21, 2024

When using infinite or duration-based effects, required and ignored tags will have no effect on attribute modifiers. This appears to be caused by OnAttributeAggregatorDirty (GameplayEffect.cpp:2917) ...