When a shadow casting light is closer to the groom than some proportional amount the groom is away from the shadow catcher, the groom's shadow will disappear. This only occurs using VSMs. Raytraced ...
When you enable the physics substepping, if you run the console command p.Chaos.Solver.DebugDrawSpatialAccelerationStructure 1, you can see how does not follow the physical object. The user that rep ...
Sparse volume textures displayed in Heterogeneous volumes are only visible in the left eye, as well as Niagara Fluid Sims. UDN for reference: [Link Removed] ...
When we server travel with seamless travel enabled, and a legacy camera shake with an anim sequence set is currently ongoing, we will get a crash due to the UMovieSceneEntitySystemLinker failing a c ...
If you create two actors that have the same structure of variables in a category, and you try to copy the category variables of one actor into the other, variables that have ReadOnly/EditConst speci ...
A licensee has reported an issue with jitter when playing animations on an actor translated far from the origin (300000.0 units). This repros on the First Person Template. The issue is more obviou ...
Since 5.3 customers have been reporting flicker with water surfaces, demonstrating that in 5.2 this flicker is not present. [Link Removed] ...
On EnhancedInputSubsystemInterface.cpp:1040, RebuildControlMappings has a check to preserve mappings for identical action key maps. In most cases, this appears to work correctly; however, in the cas ...
Consider a Niagara System with an Emitter in "Global Space" that has "Interpolated Spawning" active and a "Spawn Burst Instantaneous" module with a "Spawn Time" of 0.0 (for example, the built-in Con ...
In UTakeRecorderActorSource::EnsureObjectTemplateHasComponent() function, MakeUniqueObjectName() generates the same name of a component which CachedObjectTemplate for TakeRecorder has already had. T ...