When pressing the "Show Inactive" button in the material instance editor, all material parameters are supposed to be displayed in the EditorUI. This is not the case, only some of the parameters are ...
When the DBuffer is disabled in the project settings, the Material Editor Stat page will still display the estimated texture lookups for the DBuffer. It appears that the code that adds these estimat ...
When Lumen is disabled, but the cvar "r.MeshCardRepresentation" is set to 1, Lumen will continuously enqueue object removal from the Lumen Scene, without ever emptying the array of primitives to rem ...
Because UniagaradataInterfaceChaosDestruction::HandleTrailingEvents does not respect incoming TrailingEvent data, the debris velocity during chaos cache playback is always evaluated as zero. The fo ...
This is because SSceneOutliner::FullRefresh is called every time the search text changes, which repopulates the whole tree. There's a few options to look into here (first two might be tricky with b ...
A lot of properties are not getting saved correctly to custom configuration files. This looks like that it can be cause by the FConfigContext::PerformLoad function. New conditionals have been added ...
After the second recording time, the event listener registration in FGeometryCollectionCacheAdapter::InitializeForRecord is skipped. Here is a workaround :// We only need to register event handlers ...
When a WorldAlignedTexture node is connected to multiply and then to a base color output, the material cannot be compiled, giving an error about an undeclared local variable "Local27". Does not happ ...
In versión 5.4, a crash has been found when using splines inside the LevelViewport. This crash occurs when we change the Spline Point Type of a spline point, and subsequently we select another splin ...
When a reflection capture is unloaded due to streaming, it cannot be reloaded when the player returns to that area in the world because FReflectionCaptureData::OnDataUploadedToGPUFinal deletes the C ...