When editing a GameplayTagQuery inside of the editor, there are times when the query editor will not update the query when selecting Ok or fail to return the query to its original state before editi ...
A forum user reported an issue where object geometry occlusion would be missing when Ray Traced shadows were enabled. I was able to reproduce the issue internally where occlusion seems to be missing ...
Conversation moved to Comments to allow for public visibility. ...
The screen jitters when animating the size of the filmback of a aspect ratio constrained Cine Camera. Following behavior was observed by the customer: MRQ: The expected behavior - bars smoothly in ...
Creating a MID makes the render state dirty and the engine will recreate a new scene proxy without the current attitude. This results in rendering the object in incorrect location. Here is a tempor ...
Licensee found that when creating a UObject class with DefaultToInstanced and EditInLineNew specified, and then a derived BP was created using the UObject class and used as a variable type in an act ...
This issue seems to occur due to the client keeping the NetGUID for the class/object, while the server will clean up this NetGUID during travel. When the client sends the class and its NetGUID as pa ...
Encountered a strange issue where switching to RT Translucency on a PPV would cause it to appear incorrect. However, if you swap the viewmode to Path Tracing, it does appear correct. See screenshots ...
SkeletalMeshActor using a PhysicsAsset with custom box shapes may flicker rapidly in Editor when not selected, and also flickers in PIE mode. If occlusion culling is disabled the flickering stops. ...