Pose is not updating when additive is applied

OLD - Anim - Apr 14, 2017

When the user applies an additive base pose to a pose asset, the mesh does not update in viewport. This issue occurs in 4.15 and 4.16. ...

Match3 - Startup video does not play but audio can be heard

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 20, 2017

The audio can be heard for the opening splash but the video can not be seen. In Binary 4.15.2 neither video or audio play. ...

Crash When Selecting Actor in the World Outliner That is Using ColorGradingMode

Tools - Jun 2, 2017

When selecting an actor in the World Outliner that is using the ColorGradingMode specifier (ColorGradingMode = "saturation"), the editor crashes. This did not occur in 4.15.3. This is a regression ...

Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node does not compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 9, 2017

It looks like the Switch On Gameplay Tag Container node stopped working in 4.15. The Switch On Gameplay Tag works fine. ...

BeginPlay not called for Post-Process Anim Instance

OLD - Anim - Oct 29, 2019

Post-Process Anim Instances do not have BeginPlay called. The proposed fix is to addif (PostProcessAnimInstance) { PostProcessAnimInstance->NativeBeginPlay(); PostProcessAnimInstance->Blu ...

Sequencer particle toggle tracks evaluate one extra frame

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 1, 2020

It looks like particle toggle tracks use TimeRangeToNumberRange which gives the incorrect range as a result of CL 10893518 which fixed [Link Removed]. ...

Deterministic cooking issue caused by ParticleModuleTypeDataGPU

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2021

This problem is similar to the following case. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] It seems to have been fixed in 4.16, but the licensee reported it in 4.25. ...

Can't connect Date Time and Time Spawn pins to math nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 2, 2023

we can do a "cheap fix" here by adding the "IgnoreTypePromotion" metadata to the date time functions, but there are some underlying issues with the FindBestMatching func in this case causing it to f ...

Light function materials using WorldPosition do not render correctly to volumetric fog if there is more than one

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 27, 2023

There is a one-line fix for this in a shader file, see their PR on GitHub:https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/10251/files ...

Crash in UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent::GetOverlappingSphereCount

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 15, 2018

A licensee has reported a regression from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2 that is causing crashes to occur in their project. The crash occurs when walking onto their foliage in a packaged game. This does not happe ...