MRQ Remote Render Audio is 30 seconds later than expected.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Feb 29, 2024

CL 17315409 Introduced a fix that relied on processing audio samples before a render. For remote renders this extra 30 seconds of audio processing seems to have made its way into the final results. ...

Selected Objects Get Filled With Orange Color (Mac)

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 3, 2016

When selecting actors in the scene they get filled with an orange color rather than the typical orange outline. This is unrelated to the setting "Selection Highlight Intensity" as the bug will sti ...

If PVRTexToolCLI is not executable, invalid texture data is used and crash results when launching on device

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 5, 2017

Synced the code on Windows and transfered to Mac, the file PVRTexToolCLI lost its executable permission bits... UE4 couldn't run the tool, but carried on processing anyway, processing invalid textur ...

UMG widget appear darker on Mobile preview and device than in PIE

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 24, 2015

When using mobile preview or when viewing on the device the colors for widgets appear darker. May be related to [Link Removed], however this was marked as fixed and I tested the project that was g ...

Landscape with 3 layers has corrupt texture coordinates when running on iOS/Metal

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 26, 2015

Landscape with 3 layers renders with corrupted texture coordinates for one of the layers when running on iOS/Metal. Disabling the LANDSCAPE_BUG_WORKAROUND shader file fix causes the problem to occu ...

Complex Collision as Simple causes odd Overlap behavior

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 25, 2016

When triggering overlap events with a Static Mesh using Complex Collision as Simple, the overlap Begin and End events will be triggered rapidly in sequence. Changing to Default collision will fix t ...

Crash disabling Import Tags from Config in Project Settings

UE - Gameplay - Nov 4, 2016

Crash occurs when disabling Import Tags from Configs in the Project Settings under GamplayTags. There are also ensures that occur with it, linked here. If these need a separate fix, I can enter a ...

Delta applied twice when moving parent and grouped child actors

UE - Gameplay - Apr 8, 2016

When some grouped actors are childed to another actor, and both the group and the parent are selected in the world outliner, movement delta is applied twice to the grouped children. Code for a poten ...

Physics Asset doesn't follow the Skeletal Mesh when Physics Blend Weight is set to any value between 0 and 1

OLD - Anim - Feb 9, 2017

Physics Asset doesn't follow the Skeletal Mesh when Physics Blend Weight is set to any value between 0 and 1. Could be related the the fix for this JIRA: ...

Collision Meshes Are Ignored Until FBX Is Reimported

Tools - Feb 20, 2017

When importing a mesh with it's collision geometry and its LOD meshes all contained within the same group it won't import the collision geometry correctly. This can be fixed by simply right clicking ...