Packaging a runtime plugin in a Blueprint project causes some Editor files to be deleted

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Oct 22, 2018

Attempting to package a runtime plugin (does not occur with a Development plugin) in a Blueprint project fails in 4.21 Preview 2. This also causes some Editor files to be deleted, including the Modu ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!operator new<FBatchedLine,FDefaultAllocator>() [array.h:2812]

OLD - Anim - Jun 2, 2016

Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 804] Array index out of bounds: 175 from an array of size 171 Source Context: 2797 2798 temp ...

Engine/Extras/MayaLiveLink not provided in install directory

OLD - Anim - Nov 19, 2018

According to the Maya Live Link documentation, the zip file should be provided in the engine installation. ...

5.3 crashes when loading a map with an actor that had the class of one of its components changed

UE - Gameplay - Components - Feb 1, 2024

Create a blueprint based on actor, give it a SceneComponent named ExampleComp (BP_TestActor) - this should be the blueprints only componentCreate a new level (TestMap), place an instance of the bluepr ...

USkinnedMeshComponent::FindClosestBone does not respect bRequirePhysicsAsset parameter

OLD - Anim - Mar 20, 2017

A licensee has reported that the USkinnedMeshComponent::FindClosestBone function does not respect the bRequiresPhysicsAsset parameter, resulting in the bone returning bones that are not part of the ...

Component names do not increment correctly when duplicating a component whose name ends with a number

UE - Gameplay - Components - Apr 10, 2019

REGRESSION: Yes, this does not occur in 4.21. This also occurred before CL 58120777, which fixed [Link Removed] Duplicating or Copy/Pasting a component whose name ends in a number does not increme ...

Param usage bug when using switch params

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 28, 2022

From the ticket: In a material instance using the attached master material if A is TRUE and B is FALSE I expect to be able to configure param C in the UI. However param C is shown only when Useswi ...

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self (4.8)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 20, 2015

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self. Without one, the BP fails to compile with the following error: "Error Variable node Get NewVa ...

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 9, 2015

Get and Set nodes for variables from a BP's parent class will not compile without a reference to Self. Without one, the BP fails to compile with the following error: "Error Variable node Get NewVa ...

Allow Window Resize has no effect on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Jun 8, 2017

Checking the option for Allow Window Resize in Project Settings allows a the borders of a standalone window to be grabbed and used to resize the window. This does not behave the same on Linux and t ...