TAssetPtrs are not properly fixed up in client PIE instances

Tools - Aug 18, 2015

Contrary to the linked UDN question, this doesn't seem to require the actor to be replicated. The problem is that when UWorld::DuplicateWorldForPIE is called for a PIE client instance's persistent ...

TimeSynth Counts Beats: 1,2,3,0

UE - Audio - Apr 2, 2020

TimeSynth Counts Beats: 1,2,3,0 Link to project files: https://forums.unrealengine.com/unreal-engine/announcements-and-releases/asset-sharing/1724414 ...

Non-Power of 2 images are not rendering on iOS devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 2, 2015

If you create a UMG with an image in the Umg that is not a power of 2, The image will not appear on an iOS device. Tested this on a Android device (Nexus 5 with ETC1 and ATC. PVRTC will not allow t ...

PIE registers 2 Default Brushes in the blank level

Tools - Jul 3, 2017

PIE registers 2 Default Brushes in the blank level. It's expected behavior to have 1 Default Brush, which is the case in other play modes, but PIE registers 2. Licensee Description: This is an iss ...

Using a fixed frame rate will cause you to leave the loop section of Montage.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Dec 10, 2021

This problem only occurs when the fixed frame rate is 30 and the Sequence Lenngth of the loop animation is 1.66667. If turn off the fixed frame rate setting, it will behave as it should. ...

All clients return "Client -2:" when using a print string in UMG

UE - Gameplay - Jul 5, 2016

All clients return "Client -2:" when using a print string in UMG ...

Cannot "hit" character in PhysicalAnimation Content Example 1.2

Docs - Samples - Oct 8, 2015

Cannot "hit" character in example 1.2 of the PhysicalAnimation map in Content Examples Does not occur in 4.8.3 ...

Only 2 out of 4 Split Screen characters appear in TM-SplitScreen

UE - Gameplay - Oct 3, 2016

Only two characters appear in the playing field after hitting PIE. There are 4 separate screens, which I expected there being one character for each screen. 4 Characters used to spawn and now only 2 ...

T.MaxFPS not restored when exiting PIE while Fixed Frame Interval Playback is enabled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 12, 2017

T.MaxFPS not restored when exiting PIE while Fixed Frame Interval Playback is enabled Regression: YES Directly related to CL:3365017, it would seem. Broken: 4.16 Worked: 4.15 ...

3D WebViewer shows white screen on Oculus 2

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 22, 2022

If Oculus and Oculus 2 are listed to package for Oculus Mobile device the 3D web viewer only shows a white screen. This only occurs when the package is playing on the device itself. ...