User confusion over Visibility/Hidden in Game track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 6, 2016

User confusion over Visibility/Hidden in Game track. We're running into some issues where it's only switching Hidden in Game when you Play, which essentially does nothing with lights, among other p ...

It's possible for Random Sequence Player entries to repeat with Shuffle enabled

OLD - Anim - Apr 1, 2016

In the Random Sequence Player node, it is possible for entries to repeat when Shuffle Mode is enabled. ...

LineTraceComponent Does Not Return FaceIndex

UE - Gameplay - Oct 3, 2016

bReturnFaceIndex is not being used in ConvertQueryImpactHit when calling PrimitiveComponent LineTraceComponent. User quote: When calling PrimitiveComponent LineTraceComponent with FCollisionQueryP ...

Crash saving a destructible mesh after creating it from static mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Sep 29, 2016

Crash occurs when saving a destructible mesh after creating it from a static mesh. ...

TRACKS: Modifying an animated actor with no keys doesn't update the defaults.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 24, 2016

When modifying the transform or properties of an animated object with no keys, the default values for the animation tracks should be updated. ...

Left Hand IK setting in Hand IK Retargeting node is using the wrong tooltip

UE - Anim - Rigging - May 17, 2016

In the Hand IK Retargeting node, the Left Hand IK setting is using the wrong tool tip. It reads "Bone for Left Hand FK". ...

AnimBP warning word order mistake in Japanese

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Mar 24, 2016

The warning ""variable name" に "BluePrint" という名前の変数はありません" in the output log within the AnimBP while the editor is in the Japanese language mode has an incorrect word order. "Blueprint"Blueprint sho ...

Japanese language word order mistake in Transition nodes for AnimBP

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Mar 24, 2016

Japanese language word order mistake in Transition nodes for AnimBP It reads "AからB", but should read "BからA" ...

Renaming components in blueprints resets default values for all instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2015

Renaming a blueprint component and presing ocmpile will reset any altered instances of the blueprint to default values. ...

Blurry VR Editor icon when using the small icons settings in the Editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 20, 2016

Blurry VR Editor icon when using the small icons settings in the Editor ...