EDL errors trying to load audio assets in a cross compiled package of Infiltrator Demo

UE - Audio - Feb 1, 2017

Here's an example of the errors I'm seeing:LogSerialization:Error: Attempt to sync load bulk data with EDL enabled (LoadDataIntoMemory). This is not desireable. File ../../../InfiltratorDemo/Content ...

Unreal Match 3 Does not Download/Install from Launcher in for UE4.15

Docs - Samples - Mar 1, 2017

Unreal Match 3 fails to install for UE4.15, unlike all previous versions. ...

Typo in the tooltip for the DynamicBranch node results pin

UE - Content - Engine - Feb 22, 2016

The Tooltip for the Results Pin of the DynamicBranch Material node incorrectly says that Color Input 1 will render if the Alpha is greater than 1, but the setup is for greater than 0. [Image Remove ...

Auto Align Floor to Mesh causes floor to align well below the mesh

OLD - Anim - Aug 28, 2015

NOTE: This is likely a known issue, but I could not find an existing bug for tracking Auto Align Floor to Mesh causes floor to align well below the mesh. Causes the mesh to float I've tried with ...

Enumerators are not set correctly in packaged games if Nativize Blueprint Assets is set to true

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Mar 2, 2016

If an enum is called it will not return the correct value when Nativize Blueprint Assets is set to true in the project settings ...

AIPerceptionComponent's DominantSense is not being used

UE - AI - May 25, 2015

It seems there's a bug in AIPerceptionComponent that results in information about dominant sense never getting processed and all derived data doesn't get set. DominantSenseID doesn't get set. ...

Post Processing Does Not Account For Screen-Percentage Quantization

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 30, 2015

When changing r.ScreenPercentage the final value used for buffer generation is clamped to the nearest 4 pixels to aid in post processing and other steps. During post processing the same calculation ...

Montage keyframes calculation error

OLD - Anim - Apr 28, 2016

Animations are not showing proper length when converted to Montage. Up to 98 frames (AFAIK) when converted to Montage, the Montage will show the correct number of keys. However, a 100-frame anima ...

FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT isn't thread safe

UE - Foundation - Core - May 17, 2016

From https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/292741/fmultireadersinglewritergt-isnt-thread-safe.html: I've found that FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT has at least 2 bugs: The one that caused a deadlock ...

Behavior tree subtree switch reported as hitching

UE - AI - Apr 4, 2016

Setup described in UDN post: parent tree: root - selector - run behavior task subtree: root - sequence - custom BP task with just print string repro: print string message (engine tick) is showing u ...