Engine Scalability view distance settings are not being reflected accurately in the viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 30, 2017

The foliage in the map appears to be unaffected by the changes in view distance. The scalability settings are changing the cvars to the right values but the change is not being reflected on screen ...

Clicking reimport on a skeletal mesh crashes the editor - UE4Editor_Engine!USkeleton::GetSmartNameContainer() [skeleton.cpp:1410]

Information about this goes here....Reimported Skeletal Mesh FBX 2016/2017 in preview window. Didn't crash outside of preview in the standard content browser context menu. ...

Crash setting actor rotation via details panel in VR editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Feb 3, 2017

Crash attempting to input value for Rot Y in a floating details panel. Found on //UE4/Release-4.15 CL-3283184. Reproduces in Binary and P4 versions of the editor. Reproduces in //UE4/Main CL-3283 ...

MatineeFightScene too dark due to tonemapperfilm changes

Docs - Samples - Jan 31, 2017

MatineeFightScene is heavily dependent on the old Film settings in the tonemapper. Since 4.15 made changes to this, the scene is extremely dark. The project needs r.TonemapperFilm=0 added so that i ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!SBlueprintEditorSelectedDebugObjectWidget::GenerateDebugObjectNames() [sblueprinteditorselecteddebugobjectwidget.cpp:454]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source C ...

Crash clicking the question mark to show Viewport controls

UE - Platform - Linux - Feb 6, 2017

Was not able to reproduce on Windows. I checked the Linux log (Project, UE4) and did not notice anything meaningful there. I used GDB to get a backtrace from the core dump file. Attaching that and ...

Crash in anim blueprint when dragging animation asset over commented space in graph

OLD - Anim - Feb 13, 2017

REGRESSION: Yes, does not occur in 4.14.3 Crash occurs when the user drags an animation asset into a commented area in the Anim Graph. This crash doesn't occur if the user right-clicks inside a co ...

Assets containing TSet or TMaps fail to Nativize

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Dec 12, 2016

Multiple compile failures while attempting to nativize the QABP_Containers asset in QAGame. Errors:[2016.12.12-15.20.04:831][486]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): xgConsole: QABP_Containers_ ...

Actors carried across seamless travel have construction script rerun

UE - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2016

Per https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/326046/blueprint-properties-reset-across-seamless-travel.html#answer-326562 ...

User Defined Enum Display Names aren't deterministic for localization/cooking

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Feb 1, 2016

UUserDefinedEnum contains an array of FTexts which are supposed to be used as localized display names, however these are populated from the underlying UEnum type using the meta-data on the object. T ...