tvOS is not a supported platform for StylizedRendering

Docs - Samples - Aug 16, 2016

tvOS is not listed as a supported platform for StylizedRendering ...

Import FBX Camera with 90 degree rotation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 15, 2016

The FBX Import into Sequencer currently assumes that the camera has a rotation axis of 0, -90, 0. This assumption shouldn't be there. For example, currently this works: 1) From Sequencer, export a ...

Editor Crashes When Reparenting a Trigger Sphere to a Trigger Capsule

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 15, 2016

Reparenting a blueprint derived from Trigger Sphere to Trigger Capsule will cause the editor to crash. This is a regression. This did not occur in 4.11.2. Source Context: 163 164 ...

Trying to diff previous versions of Blueprints using the Git plugin currently fails.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 11, 2016

Diffing a Blueprint does not currently work when looking at previous commits. The diff appears to be looking at pointer files instead of the actual Blueprint files themselves. When using the Git LF ...

Attaching Moving Character to a Negatively-Scaled Actor Causing Character to Flip Continuously

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Aug 10, 2016

When attaching a moving character, such as an AI character, to an object in the level with a negative scale, the character is constantly flipping while moving. ...

Default Value is lost, when variable is renamed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 10, 2016

Packaged projects do not render in web page using Safari 10.0

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 9, 2016

My Macbook Pro uses an Nvidia GeForce 750M and was on Safari 10.0 when this occurred. This did NOT occur on a Macbook Pro with the same card and using Safari 9.1.2. This did NOT occur on an iMac wi ...

Cannot add Instanced UObjects to ActorComponents who belong to Actors placed in the level.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 9, 2016

When a Actor Blueprint is placed in the world with a TArray of instanced UObjects, the + button to add a new instance of the object wont create a instance of the object. ...

UFE stats convert does not work with double stats

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 3, 2016

Found by a user in the provided URL. ...

Lighting build isn't saved when using -run=resavepackages and -buildlighting

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 29, 2016

Lighting build isn't saved when using -run=resavepackages and -buildlighting ...