Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest

OLD - Anim - Jun 5, 2017

Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest. This is most noticeable with the large cube in the 1st Person template project. It also happens with the smaller cubes but not ...

Duplicate .so files in GoogleVR.

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 2, 2017

A licensee recently pointed out that there are now several GoogleVR lib files in 4.16 that are present in the Engine twice due to some of them being copied into a subdirectory. For example, , in 4.1 ...

Regression in reroute node alignment, causing them to no longer line up with any wires

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 2, 2017

The change to make the grab handle a uniform size in CL# 3319966 changed the distance from the top of the node to the pin, which breaks a part of their primary purpose, to soothe OCD misalignment is ...

SceneDepth Materials Rendering Black

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 2, 2017

Scene Depth materials are rendering completely black. See the attached screenshots for comparisons between 4.15.3 and 4.16. This issue did not occur in 4.15.3, this is a regression. ...

Android.NewKeyboard CVar doesn't work

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 1, 2017

Android.NewKeyboard cvar doesn't behave as documented. ...

Crash when adding a camera to the world in VR Mode

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 31, 2017

Dragging a Cine Camera Actor into the world causes the editor to crash. I reproduced this with both Oculus and Vive, however had a more successful repro rate with Oculus. ...

Crash when opening level that uses foliage with a deleted mesh

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 31, 2017

This report was logged due to a high volume of submitted crash reports. It occurs when opening a level where a deleted mesh as being used as foliage. This is a regression. The crash does not occu ...

[CrashReport] Assertion failed in UE4Editor_LandscapeEditor!FLandscapeEditorCustomNodeBuilder_TargetLayers::HandleDragDetected()

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 31, 2017

This report has been logged due to a high volume of submitted crash reports. Additional information is not currently available. User Descriptionsi create A game ENd Crashi was trying to create a l ...

DefaultBloomKernel.uexp (32MB) included on mobile

UE - Graphics Features - May 31, 2017

DefaultBloomKernel.uexp (32MB) included on mobile since it is an EngineMaterial referenced. A PakBlacklist-Shipping.txt (for shipping) and/or PakBlacklist-Development (for development) can be place ...