HZB Setup Mips taking considerable time in GPU Visualizer

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2016

HZB Setup Mips in the GPU Visualizer seems to be taking considerable ms in 4.12 and 4.13 compared to 4.11.2. This seems to mostly affect editor/PIE GPU Visualization but looks like it should when ...

Extra Sphere collision is shown when setting it to not be hidden in game for the BP_motionController in the VR template

Docs - Samples - May 11, 2017

Extra Sphere collision is shown when setting it to not be hidden in game for the BP_motionController in the VR template. This also appears to be happening with other debug shapes including the deb ...

Character Mesh Position Offset in Online Sessions

UE - Networking - Jun 12, 2017

If a client joins a session while the host is moving their character, the character's mesh will become offset on the client. Example Video: [Link Removed] Found in 4.16.1 and reproduced in 4.17 M ...

Play area bounds are offset so that the player's spawn position is at the center of the player start

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 10, 2017

The play area is offset in game from the player start. In previous version the play area would be centered on the player start area. Now the player spawn exactly on the player start and the bounds a ...

Foliage meshes do not appear in high res screenshots after certain amount

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 24, 2017

When using the Engine's High Res Screenshot tool, there is a limit on the amount of foliage that can be present before the meshes stop appearing. This number is around 1500 meshes, though I was not ...

Spot lights do not cast shadows correctly in forward rendering when dynamic

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 8, 2017

Doesn't occur for point lights only spot lights ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FRepLayout::InitFromObjectClass() [replayout.cpp:2211]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 19, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: Property->Proper ...

Extreme Brightness using SLS Specified Cubemaps for Skylights in VR

UE - Graphics Features - May 5, 2017

Surfaces are getting washed out or over brightened when using a Cubemap on a Skylight in VR. Tested 4.15.2 - 3416026 : Does not occur 4.16. p2 - 3415565: Occurs ...

Instanced meshes do not accurately use volume light samples when lit in a statically lit scene

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 14, 2015

When using instanced meshes in a Blueprint or in foliage tool the indirect lighting cache will not correctly light these meshes. I've include a sample project with map to demonstrate what the lice ...

Spaces are incorrectly converted to new lines when the User Header Search Paths field is populated in Xcode

UE - Platform - Apple - Feb 21, 2017

If there is a space in the name of a folder within the Engine's install path (eg. Users\Shared\Epic Games\...), the values set in the User Header Search Paths field are split into multiple lines whe ...