Unable to compile Runtime plugins

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Jun 27, 2018

Attempting to package a runtime plugin in 4.20 results in the following error: ERROR: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\Unreal Projects\4.20\PluginTest\Test ...

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift

UE - AI - Jan 30, 2017

Dynamic Nav Mesh rebuilds incorrectly on World Origin Shift. It must be rebuilding (physics objects, etc) while the origin shift is taking place; then the nav mesh will rebuild at different heights ...

SSL certificates for HTTPS are not properly verified on Windows

UE - Online - Feb 7, 2017

A user has reported that, due to a change that was made back before 4.12, SSL certificates for HTTPS are not verified correctly when building on Windows. This is due to the change requiring a bundle ...

GetCurrentPlayers() Always Returning 0

UE - Networking - Apr 14, 2017

GetCurrentPlayers() is returning 0 each time it is called, regardless of how many players are connected to the server. ...

Progress bar causes black screen on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 1, 2017

When using a progress bar that is partly filled the screen on an iOS device will be blacked out except for the screen space containing the filled part of the progress bar This did not occur in stan ...

Crash in UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent::GetOverlappingSphereCount

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 15, 2018

A licensee has reported a regression from 4.18.3 to 4.19.2 that is causing crashes to occur in their project. The crash occurs when walking onto their foliage in a packaged game. This does not happe ...

When Client Side Navigation is enabled, it is only initialized Server Side

UE - AI - Jun 13, 2018

'Allow Client Side Navigation' no longer appears to register Client-side navigation in 4.20. In 4.19 the logic that was setup to check for it returns both Client and Sever Side navigation systems as ...

Crash When Toggling Visibility of Level with Planar Reflection

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 26, 2018

This crash occurs in 4.19 and 4.20 but not 4.18. Repro'd in 4.19.0-3944462 and 4.20.0-3955769 and 3964322. This is a regression. Per UDN licensee: When I'm showing/hiding levels in editor (in le ...

Foliage Disappears Using OpenGL4 in Packaged Game

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 11, 2018

This issue cannot be reproduced in 4.18 but can be reproduced in 4.19.1 as well as Main (CL 3998250) therefore I am marking this as a regression. ...