Actors with Niagara components don't wait for the system to finish before being auto destroyed

UE - Niagara - Mar 29, 2019

UNiagaraComponent does not override IsReadyForOwnerToAutoDestroy, so it always returns true. This gets checked every tick if an actor is set to auto destroy, so actors with Niagara Components do not ...

Bug - Animations and Keep State Fail when scrubbing backward.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 30, 2020

If you scrub past an animation with keep state, and scrub into an animation with defaults everything is fine. When you scrub back to the animation with keep state, the animation breaks, until there ...

Dragging more than one Texture into the Material Editor causes a crash

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 11, 2020

Importing two or more Textures into the Material Editor results in a crash. This is a regression from 4.24.3 (CL-11590370) as well. This was reported and tested in 4.25 Preview 2 (CL-12055273) and ...

Unable to Play Sequence in PIE when changing levels in C++ with ClientTravel()

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 25, 2018

Changing levels with ClientTravel() breaks ability to activate sequence. Client Travel API: [Link Removed] Confirmed in 4.22 MAIN at CL 4503321  ...

Crash when audio device is unplugged and the audio mixer engine is in use

UE - Audio - Jan 11, 2019

The Editor crashes when using the new audio mixer and adding/removing a USB headset to the PC. ...

Crash when Deleting Variable from Blueprint Struct

UE - Gameplay - May 23, 2019

The Editor will crash when attempting to delete a variable from a Blueprint struct. This crash does not seem to happen if save the map with the actor in it. ...

Compilation fails after binding an event to a server-only delegate property in the Blueprint editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - May 24, 2019

Attempting to bind a custom event to a server-only delegate property currently fails to validate after compiling a Blueprint. ...

Sequencer bindings are lost when creating Sequence Player after loading a Sublevel

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 26, 2019

Sequencer bindings are lost when creating Sequence Player after loading a Sublevel using LoadLevelInstance. This was reported and tested in 4.21.2 (CL-4753647). This was reproduced in 4.22.3 (CL-7 ...

A Niagara system will only use one spawn rate curve when it has more than one emitter with different spawn rate curves

UE - Niagara - Jul 19, 2019

Systems that have more than one emitter that both have unique spawn rate curves will only used the most recently added emitter's spawn rate curve for all emitters. ...

Potential Memory Leak with Disaster Recovery Plugin

Tools - Aug 12, 2019

Enabling the disaster recovery plugin causes a memory leak when importing and editing a large amount of textures. This can result in either a system lockup or a crash. ...