Exposure Compensation Curve not applied in Standalone/Packaged

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 29, 2019

'Exposure Compensation Curve' is not being applied in Standalone or Packaged projects. Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN at CL 10871578 ...

Crash when building lighting with a Basic shape in the level

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 25, 2019

Crash occurs when building the lighting with any Basic shape in the level. This crash occurs with Niagara plugin both enabled and disabled. This issue does not occur in 4.23 Issue only occurs on M ...

Clothing Data paint doesn't effect visible mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 7, 2020

Skeletal mesh sections with cloth should have their visible mesh match their simulated mesh and this should be effected by painted values. Any vertices left unpainted(at 0) after the initial paint, ...

[Feature Request] Allow include files to be added in custom nodes via separate entry

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jan 10, 2020

Suggested feature by a licensee and there have been a few use cases recently we've seen. [Link Removed] for vis ...

Materials using the Tessellation mode 'PN Triangles' cause objects to incorrectly render in Wireframe view mode when selected

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jan 21, 2020

Creating a material that has it's tessellation mode set to "PN Triangles" and assigning it to an object results in the objects geometry to not properly display in Wireframe view mode.  Tested i ...

Failed assertion on creating a basic chaos geometry collection and PIE

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 23, 2020

User encounters a failed assertion when trying to create a simple geometry collection from a box ...

Reordering instanced components in the Actor Details tab invalidates the relocated instance such that it can no longer be registered into the current world.

Tools - Feb 5, 2020

After reordering, if you hover over the "Component Blueprint B" entry, the object path indicates that it's incorrectly referencing a transient object. This is why GetWorld() now returns NULL and the ...

ProRes and Avid DNx do not use tokens in their file names when rendering from Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 12, 2020

The plugin media formats do not account for tokens in the filename. ...

M_Volumetric_Sky_Prototype Material has compile errors

UE - Content - Engine - Mar 17, 2020

The material "M_Volumetric_Sky_Prototype" has numerous compile errors that prevent it from being used. This was reported and tested in 4.25 Preview 2 (CL-12055273) and reproduced in 4.26 (CL-121923 ...

Assert Crash when Attempting to rename Vector variable with open split pins

UE - Gameplay - Mar 25, 2020

Assert Crash when Attempting to rename Vector variable with open split pins  ...