Placing 'Groom' asset into scene results in assertion failed

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 10, 2020

Dragging a groom asset into the level results in a crash. Link to Project: [Link Removed] Tested in:  4.25 CL#11223911 ...

Custom Profiles Don't Update Maps To Cook When One Is Deleted

Tools - Feb 10, 2020

If you delete a map while it is marked to be cooked in a custom profile, then run the custom profile the map won't be deleted from the profile .ulps. I wasn't able to launch using the new custom pr ...

Particle System Components don't inherit owner's time dilation

UE - Niagara - Feb 7, 2020

This is a regression introduced by the particle system manager. It does not account for the owning actor's time dilation when ticking the particle system components.  ...

Reordering instanced components in the Actor Details tab invalidates the relocated instance such that it can no longer be registered into the current world.

Tools - Feb 5, 2020

After reordering, if you hover over the "Component Blueprint B" entry, the object path indicates that it's incorrectly referencing a transient object. This is why GetWorld() now returns NULL and the ...

User-instanced subobjects owned by a streaming sublevel's Blueprint CDO cannot be garbage collected with the owning world after the sublevel has been reloaded in the editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2020

Strong object reference properties of an 'EditInline'-decorated UCLASS type embedded within a native C++ struct definition can be instanced at edit time by the user as part of a variable's default v ...

VR PIE preview - output does not resize when window is scaled

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 3, 2020

VR PIE output no longer resizes when window is scaled. Confirmed with Rift and Vive Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN @ CL 11196267 ...

Evaluating same frames of event track when enabled auto scroll.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 3, 2020

If Auto Scroll is enabled, it seems to be re-evaluating the same frame. Especially noticeable when the [View Range End Time] is small value (Working Auto Scroll). ...

Cannot navigate to native function source code from blueprint editor

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 1, 2020

REGRESSION RANGE WORKING: 9404494 (right before Dev-Core copy up at 9405827 BROKEN: 9407021 (Dev-Networking copy up) NavigateToFunctionSource: Unable to find symbols for 'UPaperFlipbook::GetNumFr ...

Bug - Animations and Keep State Fail when scrubbing backward.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 30, 2020

If you scrub past an animation with keep state, and scrub into an animation with defaults everything is fine. When you scrub back to the animation with keep state, the animation breaks, until there ...