Hot reload causes placed actor to lose variable references

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Nov 9, 2017

Preforming a hot reload causes placed actors to lose code based variable settings. More repro steps: 1. Open UE4Editor.exe 2. Create a First Person Code project 3. Build the project for Developme ...

UMG Background Blur renders black on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 8, 2016

Tested on Nexus 6P with Android 7.0 Suggest that on mobile the background is not rendered in real time, instead we render the blurred image for one frame and use that same image for subsequent fr ...

Niagara Particles don't work with Instanced Stereo Rendering enabled

UE - Niagara - Jul 13, 2018

With Instanced Stereo enabled, CPU Niagara particles are not visible, GPU Niagara particles render in left eye only. ...

VSCode finds intellisense errors in Project source files: cannot open source file "UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORM/UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORMPlatformCompilerPreSetup.h"

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jan 28, 2020

VSCode finds intellisense errors in Project source files: cannot open source file "UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORM/UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORMPlatformCompilerPreSetup.h" Similar to [Link Removed], but that was onl ...

Actors in sublevels do not replicate to Clients after Seamless ServerTravel

UE - Networking - Dec 9, 2015

Actors in sublevels do not replicate to Clients after Seamless ServerTravel. The user reporting this noted that "[...] UNetDriver::IsLevelInitializedForActor() keeps returning false even when the ac ...

Crash after setting material of Text Render actor to an instance of the default material

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 15, 2020

Setting the material of Text Render to an instance of the default material then running as in Standalone results in a crash. ...

Linked animation graph doesn't trigger anim notifications on dedicated server.

OLD - Anim - Jun 15, 2020

Linked animation graph doesn't trigger anim notifications on dedicated server. There is no expected message in log: LogBlueprintUserMessages: [HitReact_AnimBP_C_0] Client 0: HitNotify IsServer: tru ...

Assertion Failed AsyncLoading.h on launch of a Dedicated server built from the First Person Template

UE - Networking - Mar 9, 2017

Using the first person template to build/compile/package a dedicated server causes the server to assert shortly after launch. This assert does not occur when building a dedicated server from a thir ...

Mobile VR - Render Targets not working with Mobile Multi-View

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 6, 2019

Render target materials display as black on mobile VR when Mobile Multi-View is enabled. Also confirmed with LDR capture source. User also reports issues with scene depth (potentially fixed with [ ...

Use of SpiralBlur-SceneTexture MaterialFunction in translucent material results in compile errors

UE - Graphics Features - May 8, 2020

This appears to be new in 4.25. ...