PakFiles: Unmounting PakFile while requests are still in progress causes assertion failure in UnMount

UE - Foundation - Mar 31, 2022

[Link Removed] Licensee is using the chunk downloader. On Shutdown method of their GameInstance, they call FChunkDownloader->Finalize. When they quit the game (Alt+F4) during a chunck download an a ...

The get data table row function is not exposed to python

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 8, 2021

I would like to be able to do the following blueprint code in python. [Image Removed] The getDataTableRow function is not exposed to python.  Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Private\K2Node_ ...

Xcode project files use iOS Legacy Build System which is not supported in Xcode 13

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 3, 2021

The WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings file is generated with the following entry <key>BuildSystemType</key> <string>Original</string> This causes the warning in [Link Removed] which has was closed ...

Animations are not recorded correctly when "Save Record Assets" is enabled.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 21, 2021

If I disable "Save Record Assets", all animations are recorded. I have checked the implementation of bSaveRecordedAssets, but I am not sure if this is the intended implementation. ...

Two animation assets are created when Pawn is recorded in TakeRecorder.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 21, 2021

If you specify a Level Sequence of "TakeRecorder_Skeletal" in step 3, there will be only one animation created. The licensee wants this to be the same behavior. ...

If you add "All Nearby Spawned Actors" later, the first shot's animation will not be recorded.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 21, 2021

If you replace steps 2 and 3 and add "All Nearby Spawned Actors" first, and then add the Source of "Level Sequence", the animation of the first shot will also be recorded. ...

OpenXR Remoting fails to attach actions to remoting session in 4.27

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 13, 2021

Regression from 4.26 where actions fail to bind when remoting in 4.27 Repro: using the Microsoft OpenXR Extensions plugin here: ...

Vulkan bloom convolution causes crash

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 6, 2021