Replication variable is incorrect in Details panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2015

When setting a replicated floating variable, the replication doesn't appear correctly within the replication section of the Details Panel. ...

Cannot create a return node with an execution pin only for a function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2015

The user can not create a return node for a function that only has an execution pin if they create the function via the my blueprint panel. However, if they create a function by collapsing down a se ...

Controller input while not focused.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 17, 2015

This needs investigation to see if it can be done without causing problematic side effects. ...

Blueprints copied or moved to another level do not retain variable references to other Actors that are also copied or moved

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 17, 2015

Blueprints copied or moved to another level do not retain variable references to other Actors that are also copied or moved. Reproduced in 4.7.5 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2507843) ...

NavMesh generates 90 degrees rotated for custom collisions

UE - AI - Apr 16, 2015

The NavMesh creates breaks at the wrong rotation if the mesh is using collision created from outside of UE4. This is obvious in a lot of the market content with special collision created in maya/3d ...

Crash in Persona when adding Notifies

OLD - Anim - Apr 14, 2015

REOPENED NOTES: Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Test Project: [Link Removed] Open project and press Play: Editor will crash. User reports this being due to sequential animations not being the sam ...

Able to rename redirectors by clicking on their name in the content browser twice

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Apr 10, 2015

While you are unable to rename a redirector in the content browser by right clicking it and selecting rename (the option is grayed out) or by pressing the F2 key (no effect), you can actually click ...

Cannot import multiple assets to content browser at once on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Apr 9, 2015

When importing assets in the content browser only one asset can be selected at a time. Ctrl+LMB does not select more than one asset. Shift+LMB does not select a group of assets. ...

Change GetDisplayName to same behavior in all builds.

UE - Gameplay - Apr 9, 2015

Edit MattK: The display name is different when running PIE through the editor. This sort of inconsistency seems wrong. We should probably not ever be using the display name. Spaces are removed fro ...

Destructible Meshes will flicker in a Packaged Game

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 9, 2015

Destructible chunks will flicker after the DM has been fractured. These chunks will flicker until they are in a sleep state. Using Sensitive Sleep Family will allow this to stay prolonged. Waking th ...