Memory leak when rendering some meshes with ray tracing enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2021

This memory leak seems to be caused by the TMemStackAllocator of FRayTracingMeshCommandOneFrameArray. Using the FDefaultAllocator for FRayTracingMeshCommandOneFrameArray works as a workaround. // ...

Material Quality Level not working with Layers

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 6, 2021

Cracks in polygons in BSP Optimize

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Jul 1, 2021

This problem also occurs when the Create Convex Polygons checkbox is checked in the Pen tool. ...

Using both initial map and cooked maps setting via project launcher ignores initial map

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool - Jun 30, 2021

The following workaround will allow UAT to pass the correct initial map to the application. RunProjectCommand.Automation.csprivatestatic void SetupClientParams(List<DeploymentContext> DeployConte ...

BuiltData is saved alongside it's map, even if lighting hasn't changed

Tools - Jun 25, 2021

Saving a map will always resave the map's BuiltData, even if the BuiltData hasn't been marked dirty. Changes were made to avoid marking it dirty for [Link Removed], but the call to SaveWorld in FEdi ...

Movable point light disappeared by MinScreenRadiusForLights and appeared back looks deemed.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 25, 2021

The movable point light is abnormally lit when it disappeared by the setting of r.MinScreenRadiusForLights rather than "Max draw distance" and appears back. After you disable and enable the "Affect ...

Scene Capture Cube not affected by bloom

UE - Virtual Production - Jun 17, 2021

Metahuman eyes black on close up with ray traced skylight.

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jun 17, 2021

FConsoleVariableBase::SetOnChangedCallback behaves incompatibly with previous versions

UE - Niagara - Jun 17, 2021

FConsoleVariable::OnChangedCallback was changed to a multicast delegate in 4.26. Along with this, FConsoleVariableBase::SetOnChangedCallback was implemented to emulate a single delegate for compatib ...