USplineComponent::GetInputKeyAtDistanceAlongSpline() returns time (based on the spline's duration) at the distance rather than the input key. This method should be deprecated since current implement ...
ESplineMeshAxis Enum is not available as a variable or struct User Description: I have a struct that is responsible for holding many of the properties of my spline meshes. I want it to hold the ES ...
USplineComponent::GetDistanceAlongSplineAtInputKey() returns the wrong value when the input keys are not sequential because it interprets the input key argument as the spline point index. Thus if th ...
The adding of terrain tiles eventually results in a reallocation of the landscape and something becomes de-synchronized between the water system and the landscape system resulting in the deformation ...
Licensee reports issue with setting roll on a spline component control point. ...
The collision for a spline mesh can be calculated incorrectly. The issue appears to be when Alpha is out of range when calculating the slice transforms at splice offsets. ...
The editor crashes changing from mesh paint mode to another mode if the user has changed the material of an "Add Static Mesh Component" or "Add Spline Mesh Component" in a BP and compiled while in m ...
If you add Static Mesh (cube) in this Level Sequence and click on it in Sequencer, you can observe the Spline Path that the cube is following is changing its shape when keys in Sequencer are zoomed ...
When adding a sub-level that contains a Landscape and Landscape Splines to an existing Level, it will cause a crash when building the lighting. This issue was reported in 4.18.3 (CL 3832480) and t ...
Sub-components with the same name are not displayed on the correct parents in the Blueprints editor. Upon creation of an Actor blueprint initially derived from a c++ base class (VRCharacter) which ...