When content editors are open, they cause sequencer to be updated more than once per frame. This causes animations running in PIE to play faster than expected. Licensee provides code for a potential ...
When a rotation pin with set values is split into three float pins, the values set for (X,Y,Z) rearrange themselves in the new float pins as (Y,Z,X). ...
Editor crashes in Content Examples when the user filters for Animation Sequences while having the Animation level open. I was not able to reproduce this crash in UE4/Main. ...
User reports that on the Sony Xperia M4 the FPS have decreased from about 25 down to 5 after upgrading to 4.11. ...
As a blooming object (the sun in this repro case) leaves the view via the top-edge of the screen, some noticeable banding occurs. Happens in both PIE and -game. Found on: //UE4/Main CL-2991400 //U ...
Target Rotation of Physics Handle doesn't register and can't be manipulated on tick User Description: I mentioned some versions before that rotation of Physics Handles is broken and now it is even ...
Splines handle box collision and collision from other shapes differently. ...
When importing a Static Mesh if you use the default settings and then manually import any LODs for that static mesh they will be rotated by 90 degrees. I found that disabling Transform Vertex to A ...
If either/both of the "Starter Content" or "Template and Feature Packs" checkbox's are not selected when installing/updating 4.12 from the Launcher, the engine .cpp files will not show up in Visual ...