In the attached project, there are crashes that occur in a few instances. When you open the Third Person Character BP, compiling or attempting to delete it will cause the editor to crash. Also, atte ...
Attempting to call LoadAssetDataFromPath with the path set to the default save location (/Saved/SaveGames) ...
It looks like the Output Folder definition in the Render Movie option of Matinee is causing an issue when trying to capture Movie, if changed to a shorter file path (Desktop as opposed to Users[User ...
In XCode, if the Product->Clean option is used, the editor from the launcher will not open. Workaround: This can be fixed by running Verify from the Launcher. ...
An audio file needing decoding (streaming) will repeat at the beginning of play if the start time is 0.0. ...
User reporting crash on his Mac. He seemed to have narrowed down the reproduction to attempting to join a multiplayer session. "After the crashes when I restart UE4 and open my project some BPs are ...
If The user is using an anchor that is not the top left and then changes the pivot of a widget component the result is a 3D widget that has an offset origin making it very difficult to interact with ...
Performing a hot reload in the Editor after adding a custom UserDefinedEnum C++ class to a project results in a crash. A normal compile in Visual Studio will complete successfully. ...
After creating a blueprint with a box trigger and a cube component, attempting to use an AttachTo (Box) node and then attaching the cube to the In Parent socket compiles without issue. However, if y ...