Setting World to Meters in the World Settings to a large number will cause the console to show incorrectly in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 4, 2016

If the User changes the "World to Meters" setting in the World Settings this will cause the console to appear offset when brought up in VR. Note: the number used was 3600 ...

Material billboards cannot be scaled

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 17, 2016

Material billboards cannot be scaled. The Material billboard appears to be unaffected by setting its scale ...

Shadows of small movable components popping out

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2017

This must be a regression ...

Unable to rename Blueprint Custom Events Input Parameter to: "NEWPARAM"

UE - Gameplay - Oct 12, 2018

In an Actor blueprint, creating a custom event with an input parameter and renaming said parameter to "NEWPARAM" will not rename the parameter. Note: Renaming the parameter to another name, and t ...

IAP fails (in-game) on iOS Match3

UE - Online - Aug 28, 2018

The device this was tested on is 4987_iPhone 6+_11.2 The live build didn't provide UE4 logging, but that will be added. There is also a failure to purchase on Android but it gets farther than this ...

Particle disappears if it is using PSA_Velocity and setting custom time dilation 0

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 7, 2016

A licensee reported some of their particles disappear when setting the actor's custom time dilation 0. This seems to happen when a particle is using PSA_Velocity as Screen Alignment. This repros in ...

Widget blueprint details panel appears to jitter when dragging widgets in the designer tab

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 1, 2019

When clicking and dragging a widget in the designer tab of a widget blueprint some options in the details panel will begin to move/shake/jitter/readjust. ...

Windows FMallocTBB seems to have a memory leak

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 11, 2018

The Rotate Around Point Niagara module does not account for current particle position

UE - Niagara - Oct 16, 2019

The rotate around point module no longer adds in particle position, so it does not account for other forces and modules effecting the particles, and will only spin in a circle by default. The user c ...