Static navmesh shouldn't be auto created in game world. Can be only loaded in with level. ...
Issue is detailed in the UDN linked. Investigate and fix. ...
When set to use another Emitter's Particles as Source, Ribbon Particles ignore movement of particles in the world if they (the source particles) are set to local space. [Image Removed] ...
Possibly some sort of issue related to SetDefaultSubobjectClass() rather than UMovementComponent specifically. I was able to reproduce in 4.10 release branch and in //UE4/Main with the test project ...
AddInactivePlayer does a couple .RemoveAt() calls, should probably destroy the actors when that happens as well. ...
In short, if FindPlayerStart returns null (e.g. via a licensee override), UWorld::SpawnPlayActor() will fail and return null even though it actually created a PlayerController successfully. ...
Lower framerates directly affect the velocity of a character's movement if that velocity is provided by another source. ...
Forum user found an issue where if they select the documentation link for "", then they are brought to a 404 page instead of the correct documentation page. The url that it is linking to is: https: ...
When opening the editor the memory usage jumps during PIE. After exiting PIE the memory use does not go back down. ...
Developer implemented their own marker system with callstack data in their own custom version of malloc/realloc/free, and they reported that there might be a memory leak in the ClothVertexFactories ...