Hang when using Debug config with Launch On to Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 18, 2019

Final bits of logging show:D/UE4 : [2019.03.18-16.36.59:236][ 0]LogInit: Display: Starting Game. D/UE4 : [2019.03.18-16.36.59:236][ 0]LogNet: Browse: /Game/FirstPersonCPP/Maps/FirstPerson ...

Post processing rendering artifacts Nexus 6

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 3, 2015

When you push a mobile targeted project to the Nexus 6, the rendering is all sorts of wrong. When you hover over to where the items are, the screen goes black. There is also a large black or cyan sp ...

Auto-weld is Enabled even if the blueprint component is set to Simulate

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 4, 2017

Auto-weld is Enabled even if the blueprint component is set to Simulate. This only effects blueprint, static mesh actors in the world still disable Auto-weld if set to Simulate. This is a Regressio ...

Details Panel Bug - Multiple external objects of same type share expansion state

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 5, 2023

This is because expansion state is saved per class, and we are displaying multiple objects of the same class at the same type. The UniqueID we add when adding these objects via 'AddExternalObject' ...

Imported animations don't import correctly when using same import settings as skeletal mesh it's based off

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Jul 10, 2019

When importing an animation using the same import settings as the imported skeletal mesh it is meant for part of the mesh is rotated 90 degrees around the root. The files that were used to verify th ...

RepNotify variables passed by reference to a function or macro that then change the value of the variable do not trigger the OnRep function on the Server

UE - Networking - Jul 1, 2015

RepNotify variables passed by reference to a function or macro that then change the value of the variable do not trigger the OnRep function on the Server. This is inconsistent with the behavior with ...

Crashes when playing Slomo on NiagaraSystem with Solo and DesiredAge.

UE - Niagara - Mar 23, 2023

When Slomo 2 is used to speed up the process, TicksToProcess is greater than 1, which means that ManualTick is called several times during one loop.  When playback is completed by a ManualTick in t ...

No Dynamic Shadows From Stationary Lights in Forward Shading Without Building Lighting

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 24, 2018

I've observed this issue in 4.18.3 and 4.19.1. Per Licensee: So we've spotted an issue that I wanted to put on your radar with dynamic shadowed stationary lights + r.ForwardShading=1 What we're s ...

Tabbing out of exclusive fullscreen leaves the window & backbuffer in an incorrect state

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 24, 2020

With windows 10 there has come some new swap chains, which unfortunately messes some things with regards to fullscreen up. We've fixed a bunch in the renderer (which would downright cause crashes), ...

Niagara Oscilloscope hangs indefinitely in cooked build

UE - Audio - Dec 9, 2020

Cooked games will hang on startup when using the Oscilloscope data interface due to an indefinite wait in FNiagaraSubmixListener::UnregisterFromSubmix  When setting GCVarEnableAudioCommandLogging t ...