When playing matinee, scrubbing can cause sound to keep playing when it isn't triggered Note: This was entered as a bug to re-work the fix from the pull request found here: [Link Removed] ...
Using console command 'RecreateLandscapeCollision' resets collision in areas that landscape hole materials have been placed. Workaround: paint new hole material to re-remove collision from areas w ...
In the Mannequin's default third person animations, the root bone is rotated Z forward/Y down resulting in IK's for hands and feet not aligning correctly. The result being that the joints that are ...
Attempting to pass a struct containing a variable of a type that is not compatible with blueprints into a blueprint function causes the editor to crash upon PIE. Found in 4.10.2 binary. Reproduced ...
Shift+Tab does not bring up Steam overlay when Steam VR is running ...
Selected option does not scroll into view when opening a combo box for the first time. It will only scroll into view if the combo box is clicked more than once (a 2nd, 3rd, ect...) ...
Copy and Paste action in State machine do not generate correct info for "AnimGraphNode_SequencePlayer_20" Name for "AnimGraphNode_SequencePlayer_#" in the duplicated state is not changed to corresp ...
No audio can be heard when using the Built-In Spatialization plugin. This is a regression from 4.26. Occurs in 4.27 and 5.0. ...
Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4 ...
Mesh Painting Texture Paint tool can miss some pixels along UV seams, even with "Enable Seam Painting" set to True. This appears to be because of the difference between rasterization and sampling. ...