Smart links disappear whenever the Nav Mesh regenerates while using Dynamic Runtime Generation. For example, if you have a dynamic object that is constantly moving and causing the Nav Mesh to rebuil ...
If a blocking volume is created in the persistent level and then moved to a sublevel, it will no longer correctly block objects in standalone game. ...
Overridden Interface Functions in Child BPs lose array output pins after closing/reopening the project and become invalid. Reproduced in Main //depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2434822 ...
If you add a throbber to a UMG Blueprint and use the Graph of the Blueprint to change the 'Set Number of Pieces' and use 'Event Tick' to tick the widget, the throbber widget will not appear on scree ...
When renaming a blackboard key using the Entry Name box in the key's details panel, the names of the references in the behavior tree are not updated automatically. This is inconsistent behavior be ...
When using the "Replace Selected Actors with" feature in the editor, references to the replaced actor are not updated to reference the new actor (where valid). They will appear to be replaced until ...
This bug causes an editor crash. This crash occurs when changing the default values of a UStructs properties that are used as EditConditions, when they are set to InlineEditConditionToggle within a ...
Adding a UStaticMeshComponent pointer to a class derived from StaticMeshComponent allows for two meshes to be set by a single component. Setting two meshes inside a blueprint this way will only allo ...
Multi Sphere Trace is not returning the correct Impact Location. Other AnswerHub Report: ...