Too large project icon image causes engine to crash

Tools - Apr 27, 2015

The engine will crash if you upload a project icon that's way too large for the 192x192 area. It'll also crash when you open that project back up and try to access the project settings ...

Trace complex for assets simulating physics does not show accurate collision

UE - Gameplay - Apr 27, 2015

When using Trace Complex in a LineTraceByChannel node does not give accurate results when object is simulating physics and scaled. The scaled root mesh in the BP will only register its collision rat ...

The World Outliner doesn't refresh after Seamless Travel

Tools - Apr 27, 2015

The World Outliner doesn't refresh after Seamless Travel. Enabling any of the View Options will refresh the list to properly show the actors in the current level. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary and Mai ...

Crash on device When using 'shot' console command on a iOS metal device.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 27, 2015

When entering the Console command 'shot" on an iPhone 6+, the device will crash immediately. Tested on an iPhone 6+, iPhone 5 (8.1), and a Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet. Unable to test on 2522625 becaus ...

Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs

UE - Networking - Apr 27, 2015

Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs. Location and Rotation are replicated as expected. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2522625) ...

Clicking "X" close button when prompted to convert a project will still convert the project

Tools - Apr 27, 2015

The prompt window that appears when a project is converted from one engine version to another will "approve" the conversion even if the red "X" is pressed to close the prompt window. ...

Blueprint actor stops responding

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 27, 2015

After changing the component to static, compiling and changing it back to movable and compiling, the BP actor will not move with the set actor location. I wasn't able to get the translate arrows to ...

Switching between input modes via the "Set input mode UI only" node and the "Set input mode Game and UI" node consumes all input for editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 27, 2015

When Changing the between input modes with the "Set input mode UI only" node and the "Set input mode Game and UI" node the editor can become unresponsive. The user can still click on things but it ...

Destructible Mesh spawned before static mesh with World or Asset support is not supported

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Apr 27, 2015

When using World Support or Asset Defined Support on a Destructible mesh that is spawned in, if the static world geometry is spawned in after the DM it will not be supported. However, if the static ...

Color swatches in Blueprints (linear color or color) should be drawn like the details panels does, to indicate alpha values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 27, 2015

When assigning a Linear Color Value to a Color Input or Linear Color Variable from a Make Linear Color Node, the Alpha Value is reset to a value of 0 when node is disconnected. Also Confirmed in Ma ...