When setting the DPI Scale Rule to custom and using a named slot the frame rate of the editor will drop while zooming in and out of a widget that uses the widget containing the named slot. ...
Packaging a project to HTML5 while Online Framework is enabled seems to cause packaging failures. It produces the following errors from the Output Log: PackagingResults: Error: unresolved symbol: ...
Might be a simpler repro than this, but take a look at revision 1 of PreRolledBoxes in FortniteMain to see an asset affected by this. It was duplicated from StoreRoot which had breakpoints in some o ...
When packaging a project for Windows, Child Widget Blueprints do not inherit bindings. Tested in 4.20.3 (CL - 4369336), 4.21.1 (CL - 4567586), 4.22 (CL - 4572453) ...
Converting an Actor to spawnable/possessable in a Sequence causes it lose its position in the track panel. If the Actor was in a folder it will need to be added back to that folder. This was report ...
Enabling the gLTF plugin and trying to import a glTF asset results in a crash. ...
Setting a custom stencil on meshes is not working when using a mobile renderer. This is working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336 Found in 4.21 CL# 4541578 and 4.22 CL# 4556068 This is a regression ...
Adding an instance of an HISM on a dedicated server causes an assert. Regression?: No This occurred in 4.20 ...
UCanvasPanelSlot::PostEditChangeChainProperty not only does not call its Super function unless the anchor node has been set, but it calls Super:: PostEditChangeProperty instead PostEditChainProperty ...
When using a Sequence that is a duplicate of another, without changing the event names, the duplicate Sequence will still fire off the event from the original even if the values are changed. Changin ...