Math Expression nodes cause packaging to fail.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 24, 2014

When using a math expression node within a blueprint, the project will fail when packaging. ...

Tooltip on Beam Source Name is incorrect

UE - Niagara - Oct 24, 2014

In the Beam's Source Module the tooltip for the Source Name is actually the tooltip for the Source Tangent Strength. ...

The Editor will crash on load if a class contains a CanvasRenderTarget2D that is set using CreateCanvasRenderTarget2D.

Tools - Oct 23, 2014

Adding a CanvasRenderTarget2D* UPROPERTY to a class and setting it using CreateCanvasRenderTarget2D will cause the Editor to crash on load. CRASHREPORT: [Link Removed] UDN: This was also reported ...

Characters can fall through a rotating sprite that has been scaled

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Oct 23, 2014

A scaled sprite does not appear to consistently maintain its collision for characters near its edges. I'm not certain whether this has anything to do with the character being in a fall state, but th ...

LIVE: Advanced Lighting Map (new default map in Release) has a Skybox the generates Error on Lighting Build

Docs - Samples - Oct 23, 2014

Opening the Advanced_Lighting Map, the new default map with 4.5.0 and 4.5.1, the Skybox has 4 UV Channels but all of them have overlapping UVs. WORKAROUND - You can Auto Generate UVs for the Skyb ...

Deleting console key does not persist

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 23, 2014

When I go to the Input section of the Project Settings and change the key that the console is mapped to, when I restart the editor, there are now 2 bindings to the console. The default ~ mapping as ...

Nodes unavailable branching off Get Player Controller Unless Context Sensitive is unchecked

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 23, 2014

In a project in UE4.5, when opening an animation blueprint, in the Event Graph when the player branches off the "Get Player Controller" node to search for "Get Mouse Position" it will not be shown i ...

Particles cannot be rotated in Local Space and behave erratically without local space

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 23, 2014

Particles using the Velocity Over Life Module with extremely high values are behaving erratically without Local Space turned on and with Local Space turned on you can not rotate the particle system ...

ListSoundDurations command doesn't display by default

UE - Audio - Oct 23, 2014

After investigating AnswerHub issue I found that the ListSoundDurations command works differently than others, using the UE_LOG macro with LogAudio, Log, which won't be shown by default. It would ma ...

Signing Key not found when certificate is in System Keychains

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 22, 2014

User reported being unable to push to devices from mac if they have their Certificates in the System Keychain rather than Local ...