ARecastNavMesh.bPerformVoxelFiltering doesn't seem to be working anymore. ...
If a Blueprint asset contains a function call node for which the referenced function context is set to 'self', if the "Target" pin is connected to a type that equates to the owning Blueprint asset ( ...
In 5.1.1, the depth calculation is not functioning properly on mobile ES 3.1 preview, resulting in reflections occurring in areas where they should not. When checking with RenderDoc in ES 3.1 Previ ...
In 5.0, the mobile depth of field settings were correctly reflected when running standalone. However, in 5.1, the DOF doesn't appear to be working correctly and the focus is off, causing a blurry im ...
BoxCollison's OnComponentHit event is not triggered when BoxCollison hits a spawned actor with simulate physics enabled. The event is triggered if the same actor has been placed in the level beforeh ...
When starting a PIE instance using the "Selected Viewport" play mode, the ability to start another PIE session is blocked (handled in FInternalPlayWorldCommandCallbacks::PlayInViewport_CanExecute). ...
CustomNearClippingPlane of UCineCameraComponent is new property in 5.1, but if use change this, it will also be reflected in the normal CameraComponent's NearClip. This is because the PerspectiveNe ...