Cannot change collision presets in BP instances.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 8, 2023

Even with the “Editable when Inherited” flag set in the blueprint class static mesh component, the BP instance collision preset cannot be set to one different from the BP class collision preset. The ...

Sound Attenuation settings do not function when Allow Spatialization is False

UE - Audio - Aug 3, 2023

Override Sound Attenuation setting does not work, Sound will play at max volume regardless of distance between source and observer. ...

A static mesh far from the origin appears to wobble in PIE

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 3, 2023

It seems that the numbers are rounded in VertexFactoryCommon shader. The cube consists of vertices that are very far from the origin and are placed on the screen by placing them at coordinates that ...

Blueprint debugger: variable getter node displays wrong object's value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jul 28, 2023

After triggering a breakpoint in blueprint, variable getter nodes can display the value of a different object than the node's target. For example: if an actor class has a value MyBool and the bluepr ...

BP property initialization fast path does not handle non-instanced properties assigned to default subobjects correctly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 27, 2023

Non-instanced object ref properties are incorrectly being skipped at property initialization time when Blueprint class instances are spawned with the fast property initialization path enabled. This ...

Preview rendering does not update when slider is moved below 0.0 in timeline on in Niagara Editor.

UE - Niagara - Jul 26, 2023

Workaround in UE5.3:  UNiagaraComponent::TickComponent             if (AgeDiff < 0.0f)             {                 SystemInstanceController->Reset(FNiagaraSystemInstance::EResetMode::ResetAl ...

Interchange tests framework need to support python pipeline

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 17, 2023

[MetaSounds] The Members' detail panel does not accurately update after making an edit and selecting a different member

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Jun 26, 2023

Note: This issue also affects MetaSound Patches and any Members Menu List Repro Rate: 5/5 Regression marked as No: issue was seen in 5.2 and 5.1  UE5+Release-5.2-CL-26001984 UE5+Release-5.1-CL- ...

Allow for Chords in the EnhancedInputUserSettings

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jun 23, 2023