Creating a new user defined struct with the same name as a native declared struct crashes the editor (e.g., "MyStruct" which already exists for some reason)

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 31, 2020

Error message:Fatal error: [File:G:/UE4/Projekte/4.25/Engine/Source/Runtime/CoreUObject/Private/UObject/Class.cpp] [Line: 2503] Couldn't bind to native struct STRUCT_REINST_MyStruct_0. Headers nee ...

Set end frame has incorrect bounds type

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 31, 2020

When calling Set End Frame the TRangeBound type defaults to inclusive causing the range to go from [0, 50) to [0, 50]. This causes the section to last for one frame longer than it should. ...

Support for import/reimport of mesh LODs is unavailable in Blueprint and python

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Mar 31, 2020

The missing API prevent clients to do good scripted import pipeline tools. there is two UDN thread that can be solve by this JIRA ...

Animating the camera and character with LiveLink makes the character tremble

UE - Virtual Production - Mar 31, 2020

GIF images are attached. The animation is smooth on the MotionBuilder side, but it is "slightly" wobbly in UE4. The licensee reports that the situation can be heavily shaken by the situation. Also, ...

Crash When Opening a DataTable Based Off a Struct With a Timecode Variable

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 30, 2020

When a datatable is based off a struct with a timecode variable it will crash when opening. Found in 4.24.3 CL#11590370 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.25 Preview 4 CL#12366721, 4.26 CL#12123513 ...

Importing camera FBX into subsequence loses focal length

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 27, 2020

Importing a camera FBX into a sub sequence will not copy focal length animation.  ...

Filter window does not open in Curve Asset Editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 27, 2020

The filter window does not open in the curve asset editor. It appears that no tab manager is provided when creating the curve asset editor's SCurveEditorPanel in FCurveAssetEditor::SpawnTab_CurveAss ...

Int64 literals in Blueprint get rounded

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 27, 2020

Int64 literals in Blueprint get rounded ...

Making a navigation system 'strictly static' affects all subsequently created navigation system instances

UE - AI - Mar 26, 2020

The problem is a result of two things: UNavigationSystemV1::bStaticRuntimeNavigation being staticUNavigationSystemModuleConfig::UpdateWithNavSysCDO copying the data from nav sys CDO, including bStat ...

int64 UProperty with ExposeOnSpawn meta tag won't compile.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Mar 25, 2020

int64 UProperty with ExposeOnSpawn meta tag won't compile from a C++ UUserWidget class. ...