Layered destructible meshes do not simulate in the same way between UE4 and PhysX Lab. The observed issues are: 1) After first fracture no more damage is applied 2) Areas seem to react differently ...
The character gets pushed in the same direction that the platform is moving upon landing. This can be corrected by increasing the braking friction factor however, the user believes the behavior is s ...
Actor Components with Auto Activate set to false are still ticking. If you activate the component on begin play, set a short delay, and then deactivate it, the ticking will stop, which is inconsis ...
Actor's do not appear to be ticking when a level is first loaded when using a Level Streaming Volume. The Tick event will fire on the second and subsequent attempts. Edit: After further testing, th ...
When launching for HTML 5 and using a texture or image that is not a power of two in size the texture does not pan correctly, instead of panning as expected, the material clamps and will remain that ...
UPDATE: We were able to get around this issue by renaming our external drives. The actual problem is that Mono's xbuild fails to build UnrealBuildTool QA REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 2386770BROKEN: 23 ...
there is a crash that occurs with gameplay tag map variable compiles with default value changed. This issue occurs no matter what the secondary value of the map is. I was unable to test this issue i ...
UPDATED DESCRIPTION When enabling Cast Modulated Shadows on a Directional Light and using Mobile MSAA on Android OpenGL ES 2, shadows from the Directional Light do not render when dynamic objects ar ...
A licensee has reported that Full Screen native resolution does not work properly on the iPad Pro 11-inch and on the iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation). Black borders are used around the screen ins ...
Packaging that involves a comilation process in the Binary editor causes custom Windows icons to be ignored in packaged games. This could either be seen in a Code project or in a Blueprint Only proj ...