Dithered LOD Transition does not work on some mobile devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 27, 2019

I tested with some mobile devices and Dithered LOD Transition did not work on Huawei P20 Pro. This problem does not occur with Snapdragon. This problem does not occur with Snapdragon like Pixel 3. ...

Spot Lights don't work on Magic Leap if Cast Shadows is disabled.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 26, 2019

Spot lights don't work at all with Cast Shadows disabled on the Magic Leap. Cast Shadows must but enabled even though they don't work. This can also be demonstrated in the Vulcan render preview in ...

Blend Graph can trigger ensure Bone.IsRotationNormalized()

OLD - Anim - Aug 23, 2019

Using a custom Blend Graph can trigger the ensure Bone.IsRotationNormalized() when source pose is connected to output. ...

Foward Instanced Stereo Rendering draws decals differently between eyes in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 22, 2019

When using the Desktop Forward Renderer and Instanced Stereo Rendering, draws static meshes with decal materials applied differently between eyes in VR. Tested on Oculus, probably not specific to O ...

Can't export from a subsequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 22, 2019

Level sequencer's play to(second) function not working as expected

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 22, 2019

The function Play to(seconds) does not functions as it's tooltip implies. "Play the sequence from the current time, to the specified time in seconds". The function instead snaps to the specified tim ...

The Load and Unload Stream Level blueprint nodes do not appear in sequence director blueprints

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 22, 2019

You cannot search for the Load and Unload Stream Level blueprint nodes in sequence director blueprints ...

Ray Traced Ambient Occlusion Uses Resources Even if AO Intensity is 0

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Aug 22, 2019

Ray traced Ambient Occlusion is still active even when Ambient Occlusion Intensity is set to 0 in the Post Process Volume. Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 CL# 8115738, 4.24 CL# 8124506 ...