Attempting to add an entry to an array of instanced objects is not correctly displaying that entry in a child class based on that actor. It is expected that the inherited component in the child acto ...
When you have a struct variable that is part of a TMap which is stored in an inherited component, the struct is not editable in the full blueprint editor. It is editable in the data only blueprint e ...
OBSERVED RESULT: UE4 captures an all black screen EXPECTED RESULT: Game window should be captured with any debug information that is being printed to the screen WORKAROUND: None IMPACT: Blocks S ...
From The property value iterator has logic where it tries to iterate over all properties in a s ...
User comments in crash group:I tried making an AI run into my sidescroller characterstarting level with ai 2188 void RemoveAllSwap(const PREDICATE_CLASS& Predicate, bool bAllowShrinking = tru ...
According to information from the licensee, the else clause was added to "FSkeletalMeshLODModel::(GetClothMappingData()" at CL 4437969 , but if it is the cloth data existing from 4.20 or earlier, it ...
Maps brought in via Load Level Instance that contain Nav Link Proxys configured to use the Smart Link instead of the Simple Link end up creating a link at the center of the world instead of their ac ...
When compiling on load in -game, a blueprint class that inherits from a native class that is marked within and the class that it is within is abstract, a crash will occur when FBlueprintCompilationM ...
In the documentation page: [Level Instancing in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation|] it is mentioned that: [ ...
A welded hierarchy blocks updates to collision settings on all but the root primitive. Calling SetCollisionResponseToChannel on the children won't work. The licensee noticed that IPhysicsProxyBase* ...