Having a [ or ] in a folder name will cause that filepath to be invalid for anything related to an .ini file

Tools - Feb 16, 2017

If a [ or ], which are used for syntax in .ini files, are included in a folder name, problems occur when that filepath is used for anything that is recorded in .ini files. The example given in the r ...

Editor crash when spawning character from template

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 18, 2017

Spawning a character using an existing character as a template causes the spawned character to inherit the animation of the original and may lead to a crash. This appears to be unique to character ...

[CrashReport] rml::internal::Block::findObjectSize() - UBlueprintGeneratedClass::DestroyPersistentUberGraphFrame

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 7, 2017

This is an infrequent crash that has occurred for a few users exclusively in 4.17.1 (possible regression from 4.17.0?). Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occu ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Core!FName::GetDisplayNameEntry() [unrealnames.cpp:894]

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Sep 14, 2017

This is a somewhat common crash in 4.17.1. This same callstack appeared a few times during 4.11, but then has not been seen until recently. Users have not provided any descriptions of their action ...

Data validation FAILED due to IWBE_Blutility containing invalid data

UE - Content - Engine - Jan 11, 2021

4.26[AssetLog] D:\Binary\UE_4.26\Engine\Content\Tutorial\InWorldBlueprintEditing\TutorialAssets\IWBE_Blutility.uasset: Default__IWBE_Blutility_C is not valid. See the MapCheck log messages for detai ...

Chaining AutomationTool Commands leads to an endless loop

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool - Nov 23, 2022

Repro Rate: 3/3 This issue was reproduced in //UE5/Release-5.1 at CL 23058290. This is confirmed to not be a regression since the error also occurs on the previous live version. This is regression ...

Instanced Static mesh does not LOD at the same screen distance as standalone mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 11, 2014

DESCRIPTION: When using instanced static mesh component in a blueprint that has LODs the normal distances for LODs are not reflected for the instanced static mesh component. AH Post: https://answe ...

Actor Sequence Component Not Working While Playing in Standalone

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 6, 2017

When using an Actor Sequence Component in an actor blueprint, the sequence will not play in Standalone. In the test, a cube was used and was increasing its scale using the sequence. When playing in ...

Refresh rate for windowed package builds causes frame stuttering

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 24, 2017

THere is an issue where the refresh rate of a windowed packaged game does not match the refresh rate of a monitor correctly, this results in stuttering. This issue does not occur in the editor (PIE) ...

Visual flicker occurs with object during play

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 5, 2017

There is an issue occurring where objects are flickering, and what appears to be jittering at set distances when rendering, increasing the bounds of the mesh pushes the distance for the issue out. T ...