Replay System throws an Ensure during demoplay when calling it in a different Level

UE - Networking - Jul 10, 2019

Replay System throws an Ensure during demoplay when calling it in a different Level. The error is thrown at Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\RepLayout.cpp]. It does not prevent the Replay from being pl ...

If use Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton, PoseAsset of the skeleton will be broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 10, 2019

If user execute "Remove Unused Bones from Skeleton" on Skeleton where PoseAsset exists, the index held in FPoseData :: TrackToBufferIndex in PoseAsset will not be corrected, and it will refer to the ...

GetPackageLengthForCooking can be much larger than the actual file path length

Tools - Jul 10, 2019

If the file path with the asset contains a project name, the cooking file pathlength is incorrectly increased. The following code in ContentBrowserUtils :: GetPackageLengthForCooking causes this is ...

FSoftObjectPath does not allow for referencing multiple types of actors using AllowedClasses

Tools - Jul 9, 2019

FSoftObjectPathCustomization and SPropertyEditorAsset do not support multiple actor classes in the AllowedClasses list. The ObjectClass is only set in FSoftObjectPathCustomization if there is only ...

Editor crash when setting r.UniformBufferPooling to 0.

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 8, 2019

DisplayThumbnail doesn't work with TArray

Tools - Jul 8, 2019

The DisplayThumbnail metadata UProperty specifier does not work on TArrays with the type of FSoftObjectPath. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.3 (CL - 7053647), 4.23 (CL - 7224811), 4.24 (CL - ...

Niagara Sample Static Mesh. Source Not Working

UE - Niagara - Jul 7, 2019

Static meshes are not rendered as particles when using the Static mesh module in Niagara and setting its source to a static mesh in the scene. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL -  4753647), 4.22 (CL - 7053647), ...

Crash when changing the AnimNotifyState property after moving the AnimNotifyState range added to AnimMotage

OLD - Anim - Jul 5, 2019

NotifyStateClass may be nullptr when AnimNotifyState and AnimNotify swap occur in NotifyTrack. Workaround: SAnimNotifyPanel.cpp void SAnimNotifyPanel::OnPropertyChanged(UObject* ChangedObject ...