TRACKS: Modifying an animated actor with no keys doesn't update the defaults.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 24, 2016

When modifying the transform or properties of an animated object with no keys, the default values for the animation tracks should be updated. ...

AttachChildren on the client can lose entries

UE - Gameplay - Jan 26, 2016

If a client attaches a scene component to a server authoritative scene component and that server component later has a change in attachment made on the server, the AttachChildren array on the client ...

Mac project being rejected from app store over read/write access

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 20, 2016

Game was rejected from the Mac App Store for attempting gain read/write access to directories which weren't permitted. Reporter of issue has proposed a possible fix on his AnswerHub post: These tw ...

"r.SetRes 1920x1080f" fails to set fullscreen mode when executed through blueprint node

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2016

Executing the r.SetRes _x_f command fails to set fullscreen mode when executed through blueprint node. The issue occurs when executing the command through level blueprint and an actor blueprint plac ...

Shader compile error using Point Lights Nvidia Shield

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 19, 2016

On the Nvidia Shield (portable with the controller attached) if you have a dynamic directional light and at least one dynamic point light no lights will be rendered in the level. Or even just using ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FSceneRenderTargets::GetGBufferResourcesUniformBuffer() [scenerendertargets.h:408]

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 18, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: IsValidRef(GBuff ...

Static mesh does not show after using "Merge Actors" if the mesh is part of a child actor component that has been added to the blueprint

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Jan 11, 2016

If a user has two blueprints, one with a static mesh and the other with a child actor component that contains a static mesh and that user uses the merge actors tool the child actor component's stati ...

Static Lighting from a nested Blueprint is not saved in Lighting Build

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 21, 2015

Licensee has a setup in which static lighting is placed in a Blueprint Actor and then a New Blueprint is created with the parent added to this new blueprint. All Elements in both Blueprints are set ...

Renaming components in blueprints resets default values for all instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2015

Renaming a blueprint component and presing ocmpile will reset any altered instances of the blueprint to default values. ...

The property 'bWantsBeginPlay' on UActorComponent should be enforced.

UE - Gameplay - Sep 14, 2015

UActorComponent's property 'bWantsBeginPlay' is not being enforced. We should prevent BeginPlay from being called when this flag is false. We'll need to address upgrade issues for components that h ...