Switch on custom enum causes compilation errors after Hot Reload

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 28, 2015

If the project is hot reloaded while a Switch on Enum is inside of a blueprint which is switching on a custom enum, the switch will become corrupted. It changes the 'selection' pin to take a Byte pa ...

Crash when creating a local variable inside of a collapsed node graph that has been copied

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 5, 2015

If the user creates a function with local variables and then collapses the variables down into a collapsed graph and then duplicates this collapsed graph the variables in the second graph will be gr ...

When using simple HMD plugin on mobile the camera can get stuck at 45 -90 angle even though the device it back in it's original position

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 19, 2016

If the user uses the simple HMD plug in, then launches on to a device and then follow up by spinning the device a few time the camera will become offset at an odd angle (Reset orientation and positi ...

WindDirectionalSourceComponent needs functions like, 'SetSpeed'

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 22, 2015

Currently changing variables like Speed via BP/C++ has no affect. We need to add funcs like SetSpeed that also update the proxy. Would be nice to make the vars private as well. ...

Resolution issue causes large black bar on Galaxy Note 4 when app starts

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 2, 2016

This issue only seems to affect the GalaxyNote4_5543 OS: 4.4.4 This issue is NOT occurring on devices with the same GPU This issue is NOT occurring on devices with the same OS If you lock the scr ...

Setting a value Material Parameter Collection to Material will cause crash

UE - Graphics Features - May 2, 2016

Adding a Material Parameter collection to a material, setting its value, then saving the material will cause a crash. This was only able to be reproduced on Mac and did not affect the Windows versio ...

Bugg 66074: "SEGV_MAPERR at 0x3"

Tools - Aug 31, 2015

The user is getting a consistent error which does not allow him to open projects in 4.8 and 4.9. Five reports from user's machine produce identical callstacks: Bugg 66074: [Link Removed] ...

Animation Track in Shot Does Not Animate With Evaluate Sub Sequences In Isolation Enabled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 15, 2018

When Evaluate Sub Sequences in Isolation is enabled in a shot, other shots inside the same sequences only play the transform track and do not play their animation track Does not affect 4.18.3 Relat ...

Disabling "Apply Fogging" Doesn't Work for Translucent Material with Volumetric Fog

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 6, 2018

Translucent materials with "Apply fogging" disabled will be affected by volumetric fog.  Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 Preview 5 CL# 4173640, and 4.21 ...

Default Values missing from Local Variables in Blueprint Actor Construction Script

UE - Gameplay - Sep 19, 2019

Specific to the Blueprint Construction Script, Local Variables cannot have their value set in the Editor, because the "Default Value" section of the Details tab will never appear. This only affects ...