Incorrect Specular Highlights with Sphere Reflections Captures when using the Forward Renderer

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 30, 2017

A user is reporting incorrect/inconsistent reflections when using Reflection Captures with the Forward Renderer. I attempted to enable High Quality Reflections within the material's properties whic ...

Crash occurs while clicking through the Landscape Overview Tutorial

Tools - Apr 28, 2017

Crash occurs while progressing through the Landscape Overview tutorial, after the step "After pressing the Create Button, your level should now have a Landscape Actor inside of it" This is a regres ...

Splash screens do not appear in Gear VR

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 28, 2017

A splash screen that has been set up in the DefaultEngine.ini with the following settings does not show in Gear VR[Oculus.Splash.Settings] bAutoEnabled=True TexturePath=/Game/Texture/AICON-Green ...

Crash when applying a LandscapeVisibilityMask material to a Landscape's material slot

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 28, 2017

Crash that occurs when applying a masked material (with LandscapeLayerBlend and LandscapeVisibilityMask) to a Landscape's material slot. This is a regression: broken in 4.16.0 CL 3405315 worked in ...

Wiring up the output of a get node (the pass-thru value) without wiring the execs is confusing to users

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Apr 28, 2017

Right now if an impure node has no exec connections it gets culled out, which is implicitly breaking the wire for the output value of the node. We could either make this work just like a get or mak ...

Packaging fails with Nativization when function returns array of classes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 28, 2017

When a BlueprintCallable function returns an array of classes, packaging will fail if Nativization Method is set to Inclusive. ...

Back ground blur causes crash on iphone 5

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 28, 2017

Back ground blur causes crash on iphone 5 (NOT iPhone5 c or iPhone5 s ) ...

Crash in FBlueprintActionMenuBuilder while editing blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 28, 2017

Note those are not 100% repro steps they are what I remember doing. I've got this issue twice so far and both times I was editing a blueprint and switching between constructions script and event gr ...

UWorld::AttemptDeriveFromPlayInSettings() Returns Incorrect Net Mode

UE - Networking - Apr 28, 2017

UWorld::AttemptDeriveFromPlayInSettings() is returning NM_Dedicated server when Use Single Process is disabled in the play settings and the Editor Multiplayer Mode is set to Play as Listen Server. ...

Package fails when Nativization is Exclusive

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 28, 2017

When Blueprint Nativization Method is set to Exclusive, packaging will fail if a data only blueprint's child blueprint is set to to Nativize in class settings. Workaround:Adding a node to Parent so ...