Niagara Systems are reset after changing the sg.EffectsQuality

UE - Niagara - Sep 24, 2019

Changing the effect quality from the console window causes Niagara systems to reset their visibility. Tested in 4.22.3(CL - 7053647), 4.23 (CL - 8386587), 4.24 (CL - 9023396) ...

Custom Depth does not override occlusion if it's set during runtime

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 4, 2019

Adding a Custom Depth material at runtime does not make the object its applied to render through walls. Tested in 4.22.3 (CL - 7053647), 4.23 (CL - 8386587), 4.24 (CL - 9413529) ...

Some blueprint nodes are noticeably wider

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 19, 2021

Certain blueprint nodes are noticeably wider than they were in 4.25, and seem to get excessively wide if the user fills in literal pins on them. This was noticed with the Array Add nodes, but may a ...

Material Layers "swap" location instead of shift downwards.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Oct 17, 2023

Licensee request for this as it is affecting productivity. Likely requires a method of allowing a user to choose which behaviour they prefer. For reference, the behaviour changed in CL 11684461 to f ...

Cooked content results in crash on launch of QAGame.exe

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 22, 2019

Seems to be an issue with how the cooker is calling the contents of TM-ShaderModels. ...

Collision for bsp stays in level after bsp is deleted

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Jun 30, 2015

If a bsp brush is deleted from a level, the level has geometry built, and the user presses play then uses the "show collision" console command, the collision for the bsp wlil still appear. This does ...

User cannot undo the automatic changing of Mobility settings

Tools - Sep 12, 2016

When the users causes a component to automatically change its Mobility setting by changing that setting on a parent or child component, undoing that change only affects the manual change caused by t ...

[CrashReport] MetalRHI crash - void FForwardLightingParameters::Set<FRHICommandList, FRHIPixelShader*>

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 20, 2017

This is a common crash affecting Mac users in 4.16. User DescriptionsI tried to build the lighting and it keeps crashingWhenever I attempt to build the project or change the preview rendering to IO ...

Construction Script Does Not Update Parameters Of An Actor Component

UE - Gameplay - Oct 16, 2018

The construction script does not update the parameters of the actor component. Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 Preview 1 CL# 4435822, 4.22 CL# 4470579 ...

Material Instance Can't Update Material Parameters Defined in a Material Function Within a Material Layer

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 21, 2018

When you edit the parameters of a material function that is within a material layer from the material instance, the material instance does not update. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4541578, a ...