Anisotropic metallic material and area lights don't work

UE - Graphics Features - Substrate - Jun 28, 2023

Attached Gameplay Cues with decals that override SetFadeOut will destroy their target actor on fade out

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Jun 27, 2023

Burst GCs will destroy the target actor if you attach them to the target (FGameplayCueNotify_PlacementInfo::AttachPolicy) and override the decal fade out (FGameplayCueNotify_DecalInfo::bOverrideFade ...

Breakpoints don't work in Anim Node Functions

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jun 27, 2023

Anim node functions are difficult to debug because breakpoints don't get triggered, and printing is difficult from within the function too. ...

Editor crash when the renderdoc.captureframecount is set more than 1

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jun 27, 2023

Animation curves on Montages are not remapped when using a 'Compatible' skeleton

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 27, 2023

[Link Removed] From UDN: If you are using the new compatible skeletons feature and you have a Montage with an attribute curve on it, the curve is not correctly mapped to the target skeleton. So ...

'Quit Editor' Blueprint Node Crashes Editor

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jun 26, 2023

Using the Quit Editor blueprint node crashes the editor when used, instead of exiting cleanly. Closing the Content Browser prevents the crash from occurring, however. ...

Running Lyra with a Startup Movie causes a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 26, 2023

Adding a startup movie to a Lyra Starter game project will cause a crash in a packaged build.  Full callstack is attached ...

Decal material is drawn twice when using mesh decals in mobile forward

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 26, 2023

For desktop renderers, deferred and forward are both one draw.[Image Removed][Image Removed] ...

GPU ribbon links can occasionally fail

UE - Niagara - Rendering - Jun 23, 2023

Sometimes GPU ribbons will link between one another like this, checking in the debugger you can see that the RibbonIDs are different. [Image Removed] ...

Patch missing when importing with CADKernel

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - CAD - Jun 23, 2023