Creating a C++ project and then attempting launch on for Windows 64 causes a fatal error crash in 4.8 preview 2 binary from launcher. Project recovers from fatal error and can then package and run . ...
Drop-down selection menus will select on mouse release. This only occurs for options under "Current Asset". I was able to click a drop-down, then hold down the left mouse button and let go over "Cle ...
User reports that dragging materials into the editor from the content browser causes a hitch, followed by an ensure that. The user could not produce a crash report. Logs included Unable to reprodu ...
After some extensive testing, I could not find any reason why the material function LocalPosition node was failing to compile and defaulting to the world grid material when Packaging for HTML5. I a ...
Changes done to BTDecorator_Blueprint result in users not being able to upgrade their BP-implemented decorators to 4.7. ...
After creating a new HUD blueprint class and calling it to render a translucent material, the material does not render at all. This is not the case with any other Blend Mode when called to render to ...
Attached project exposes memory leak in editor. Cause is not known but increases memory very quickly when running PIE. The amount of memory used does not return to normal after closing PIE and each ...
The Command "StartFPSChart" references an "EndFPSChart" which is not recognized and should reference "StopFPSChart" ...
Perspective and Orthographic views render differently. Ortho views use a tonemapper with no gamma. ...