Crash opening BlueprintRenderingToTarget map in packaged ContentExamples on mac

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 20, 2017

The editor is crashing when attempting to open the BlueprintRenderToTarget map in ContentExamples. The crash does not occur in PIE, Standalone Game, or -game ...

ContentExamples: ParallaxOcclusionMapping "BumpOffset" is one word in multiple locations

Docs - Samples - Jan 20, 2017

According to documentation, Bump Offset is 2 words. There are 2 displays that contradict this ...

ContentExamples: PhysicalAnimation Example 1.2 the P in "BluePrint" is capitalized

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

The P in "BluePrint" is capitalized in Example 1.2 of PhysicsAnimation level. The word Blueprint should match the documentation ...

Right side of viewport renders black in stereoscopic

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2017

When in VR preview the right eye is solid black. This has been reproduced on multiple machines using both the Oculus and HTC Vive. The same effect is also achieved when running -emulatestereo – ...

ContentExamples: Physics Level Multiple misspellings

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

Physics Example 1.1 "StaticMesh" is one word The word Static Mesh is 2 separate words in unreal documentation ...

ContentExamples: StaticMeshes Example 1.7 "StaticMeshEditor" is all one word

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

StaticMeshes Example 1.7 "StaticMeshEditor" is all one word The word Static Mesh Editor is 3 separate words in unreal documentation ...

Add GPU stat for compute morph targets

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2017

Content Examples: Blueprints_Overview Stand 1.7 Spark particle system does not fire from coin

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

During runtime, the red coin in Stand 1.7 on the Blueprints_Overview map of Content Examples should emit a large spark particle system 5 times. While investigating, I tried disabling "Use Fixed Rel ...

ContentExamples: UMG Example 2.3 "blueprint" is lowercased

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

The word "blueprint" on stand 2.3 in the Content Examples: UMG map is lowercase, but should be capitalized ...

ContentExamples: Volumes Example 1.5 "This Volumes" is improper grammar

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

"This Volumes" is improper grammar in Display 1.5 in the Volumes level of ContentExample ...